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Roebuck in Poland


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I have been together with my dad on a hunting trip to Poland. My dad has it's 65'th birthday soon and because of that my mom gave him a hunting trip as a present. :hmm: (i had to pay myself to come along :yes: ).

It has been a fantastic week, apart from hunting together and sharing experiences the weather was excellent, food and accomodation good, guides nice and skilfull and many many good roebucks around.

The hunting area is in Mazuriën, the north-east of Poland. I got the adress from a mate of mine who has been here before. It is partly run by a dutchman who lives in Poland for about 12 years now. The hunting grounds are 18.000 hectare and has loads of woodland, maize, grain, cabagge and potato fields, hedges and rough area's. Originally we would each go for three roebucks with a weight under 300 gram (we are no big thropy hunters, but appreciate the experience). But it turned out that this proved quite difficult. Because of the mild winter the roebucks antlers are all quite big this year. Of the around 60 bucks :good: i saw during the trip, only 4 where considered small, all one year old spikers. The buttulo did wonders, i managed to get around 20 bucks in front of me with calling them on the buttulo. Nice :hmm: .


The hunting consist of sitting at a high seat in dusk (morning and evening) and in between you stalk the area. You always have a guide with you (by polish hunting law).

The first out i was at a high seat at a large maize field, with some cut grain fields and small woodland. I saw the first buck at the edge of the woodland. The buck moved out of sight behind the woodland. The guide signalled that we try to get closer. Around the edge of the woodland the buck stood at the horizon. And what a buck ! :good: The guide said we couldn't shoot it out of safety reasons (horizon), i mentioned my buttulo and tried calling it. Wow, immediate reaction and the buck came with a steady pace. We where in plain sight, but this did not seem to bother the buck. I got the gun on the shooting sticks and looked through my scope..... hmm bit to big to be under 300 gram. Guide said it's ok, but will cost you. Estimate was 400 gram. Better not. As it was the first buck i kindly let it pass. We watched the buck several minutes and then stalked along. After half an hour we got at another spot, maize fields, woodlands, grassland etc.. Roe heaven. We saw a buck jump of. Try calling it the guide said. One skweek later another buck jumped in front of us at 30 meters. Guide said OK, crosshair on buck and pulled trigger, buck did not give any sign of being hit and took of for about 60 meters, then slowly went down. Yippie, first polish roebuck. Was a small 6 pointer. Shot was high on shoulder, hitting lungarea, so strange it did go that far (big exit hole).

In the afternoon (second out) we stalked quite large area's. We saw loads of roe, both female and male. Then we saw a shootable buck at the edge of a woodland. Stalked towards it, but by no apparent reason it took off. Took out buttulo and tried calling it back. Then another buck jumped out the woodland. My guide went white, pale and got very excited. The buck had one antler up and one down, quite a strange and rare sight. Again the buck showed himself beautifully on the horizon of the cut grain field, so no shot could go out.

I tried calling it, and then it wanted to go down to the woodland again. The guide made clear i could shoot just before it would go in the woodland. So got ready, just as i wanted to give it a whistle to make it stop the buck looked at us. Shot went out and the buck went down. Guide was very pleased. He never saw something like it (buckwise). After making pictures, two (!) more bucks came out and had a look at us. I called one of them towards us up to 15 meters. The polish guide said this was also a got 6 pointer culling buck. But to shoot all 3 roe on the first day is a bit too much.

So got back to the farmhouse where we stayed and it turned out my dad also got a very nice 6 pointer.


Story gets a bit long (sorry), but in short i shot another 2 good 6 pointers and my dad got another 2 good 6 pointers. My dad's 3 bucks all are between 320 and 340 grams. Mine 4 between 220 and 320 grams. (i got 1 extra)

Will tell more polish hunting tales later. For now some pictures of my rare buck (do not know how you call it in English?) and my first polish "small" 6 pointerbuck.




Edited by Holland&Holland
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Brilliant! Looks like a fantastic trip! :good:


That antler malformation is quite unusual, what do you think caused it? Damage to the pedicle or testicles maybe?


I like the attention to detail in the presentation of the trophies, with the two hunting horns etc... it's nice to see effort put into doing things properly! :good:

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H&H its called a dangler in English terms, normally caused by damage to the pedicule, rutting is most normal cause for this.It's in effect a breack of the bone that because of the antler weight fixes once the antler is upside down.

Looks like a great trip , any chance of PMing me the contact details and prices?I like you do not want to shoot Polish 500g ers but the trophies you have look fantastic!!

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