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Two unlucky foxes


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Me and Little sweepy went out lamping on Thursday night with tiny sweepy sitting in the back of the landy as an observer.Well all started of ok shot a few bunnies on the way round some cultivated rape stubble so we thought we'll try are luck on another rape stubble field which we haven't got on to before because its been to wet(we found this out on Wednesday night with the landy's doors touching the ground :yes: that will teach us to stop in a wet spot).

We slowly drove down the field towards the wood at the bottom,had little sweepy lamping out of the sun roof and me with the 243 ready at hand,this field is a fox hot spot as we shot 2 there the previous week.Suddenly little sweepy picks up those two distinct glowing orange eyes,we eased the landy to a slow stop and then gave a few squeaks and as soon as we done this we could hear the vixen calling her cub back in :hmm: she obliously knew what that sound would intail,the cub was then gone in an instant but there you can't win them all.

Next we headed up to a field of barley stubble where the farmer had seen a fox when he was cutting it(now I hate shooting on this field as there is only one safe spot to shoot with the big rifle as the field is very flat with only one slight dip in it).We came around the corner in to the field and there it was I though *****r,we slowly keep driving to where we could take a safe shot,killed the engine and slowly got out a nd put the the 243 on the bonnet and started calling,slowly but surely it started coming in.Had to get it within 70 yards to get the back drop.

After about 10 mins it was just about in the perfect postion(seemed more like an hour)then out of nowhere it was joined by its mate,bloody hell where did that come from but was still trained on the first one with the crosshairs firmly on its chest.

Now I heard a little voice in my ear from little sweepy "Dad theres a third one coming in" :yahoo::w00t:

I looked but I could not see it,well i was to busy looking at the first fox so the moment was here I slipped off the saftey and bang and heard that reinforcing thud and saw the fox drop.

Little sweepy kept the lamp on no2 fox hoping it would stop so I could get a second shot off at it but no :good: Well thought to myself the boy must be seeing things cause I never see a third one run off.

Out the back jumps tiny sweepy to come with me to pick up the fox,off we walk not that it was a far walk only about 60 yards,get to the spot where the fox is laying and there it is stone dead but the biggest surpise was the other fox laying just behind it also stone dead,though what the hell.The bullet had passed though the chest of fox no1 and had hit fox no3 in the head I just could not believe(gonna buy some lottery tickets this weekend)so Little Sweepy wasn't seeing thing.


Here are a couple of pics

Sorry about qualitity they are of my phone





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