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shooting a fox


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I have shot 2 foxes with 12ft lb air rifles on two seperate occations. They were both three quarter grown cubs and were squeeked in to about 5 yards while out rabbit shooting, I thought I was going to have to kick one of them to stop it from running into me! They were both stone dead with shots to the neck. So yes it can be done, although I would never try it at anything further out than that, 35 yards is a definate no.

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Anyone who shoots at a fox with an air rifle is doing shooting no favours at all and is totally irresponsible in doing so.

If you have killed one outright then it was a lucky shot and nothing more.


Grow up, if you want to shoot foxes use the proper tools for the job.

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Ok guys I can see where you are coming from, I'm not saying an air rifle is the the tool for the job. I have a 22/250 and a .22 Hornet for that!

I'm simple telling a story of what has happened in the past, when presented with a shot at 5yards when out with the air gun on TWO seperate occations, the foxes were BOTH stone dead. These foxes weren't much bigger than a Hare. I have been shooting for 18 years and know what i'm doing with a gun . We get a lot of fox problems from the local town and some of them are real stupid. My friend shoots a lot more foxes than me and his best night he had 11 so you can see the numbers I'm talking about. There has even been rumours of the animal rights folk dropping off their cage caught city foxes in our area but I'm not sure about that. Maybe someone will be able to tell us the power of an air rifle at 5 yards? one things for sure I wouldn't want to stand in front of it. A dead fox is a dead fox and weather you like it or not I've got a 100% kill rate with my air gun on them, both dead, no fluke shots!

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Yes it is doable with a freek or lucky shot or using promethius or some other sabot type pellet but would only be about 5% chance of a kill which makes it cruel, iresponsible, stupid and Ileagle




PS Moderators might want to bin this thread as it is not good for the responsable image thayt us shooters are trying to protray

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Karl, don’t get yer knickers knotted old son. I don’t recall anyone actually having a go at you personally, but it is a topic that’s bound to cause some heated discussion amongst shooting men.

Now calm down count to 10 and then come back and join in the talk.

Everyone can learn something, no matter who they are, and the way to learn is to see what others are doing and who seems to be doing it right.

Where there is a difference of opinion, then it’s up to you to use your own judgment as to what you believe is the correct way to do it, and then follow that.

If you feel that shooting foxes with a air rifle is wrong (and you obviously do) then stick with your convictions and don’t do it (and try and persuade your mate not to either. :lol:



PS . What happened to page 1

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Wise words GM.

Some people on this forum are too quick at passing judgement and throwing insults about. I am not advising anyone to shoot a fox with an air gun, I'm only saying that in the past when the right circumstances have come about I have killed two foxes, one with my Falcon pcp and one with my AA 410 pcp, both dead. If I can put a pellet straight through a Rabbit at 30 yards then you can imagine what it would do to a foxes neck at 5 yards when it's facing me head on, no flukes involved! If you don't think these guns can't be lethal under the right circumstances then you would be very foolish. I would never advise taking a shot at a fox at any further a distance or if you couldn't place a shot in a vital area.

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if the fox got within 5 yards it would of been better to let it get within two yards then hit it with ya gun. Fox are a tough animal, ive seen them take 3 shots with a shotgun and get away.


Two extremely unwise lucky shots i say!


Yeah i know it can be done, hit a main artery or something but you need a lot of penetration and damage to cause a humane kill on a fox.

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guys, why the ***k would you want to shoot a fox in the first place, what good is it!!. I personally love the animal and i for one would shoot the fool attempting to hurt the fox myself ! :D

because they are very naughty! :blink: when iv shot one i eat it :thumbs: the kids luv it hmmmm :D;):P:D

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Personally i dont like foxes purely down to the fact ive seen first hand the damage, misery and suffering they cause to the farming community however, this is no excuse to try and take one out with an air rifle, as i said these animals are a pain in the **** but they are only doing what is natural to them. so even though they do need to be dealt with there is a right way and a wrong way to go about this, using an airgun at any range is not acceptable. there is, sorry was a far more humane and effective way to do this and that is with dogs or perhaps a shotgun or rimfire :thumbs:

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