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The goverment actually did something to help me ! ! !

Salop Matt

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Well government have just raised stamp duty as of tomorrow 03/09/2008 to come in to effect from £175k + for one year. :good:


Me & mrs SS (silverpigeon) have just bought our first place moving in on 26/09/2008 but having not signed the contract yet means we will be saved £1,300 + that we thought we would have to pay :good::good: for once this government have done me some good !


Also thank god as its weston park game fair this month to ! ! ! ! ???

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it just shows what a shower of **** this government is, this won't kick start the housing market the only reason they have had to do this is because they suggested it might be happening which caused the market to stop for the last month. they've only included a very small percentage of buyers but I guess may at least have finally clarified what is going on

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As the saying goes, every little helps! Treat it like a little bonus eh? If you didn't expect to save that sort of money, do what I did when they raised the threshold a few years back and bung it in a savings account.


Alternatively, Avalon had a nice Silver Pigeon 3 Limited edition that you could probably get for that money...

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it just shows what a shower of **** this government is, this won't kick start the housing market the only reason they have had to do this is because they suggested it might be happening which caused the market to stop for the last month. they've only included a very small percentage of buyers but I guess may at least have finally clarified what is going on


so how do you work that out? the crisis in the housing market was brought on by the buiulding societies and the lenders? not the govt, in fact the govt have given MY money away bailing out the likes of northern rock, and for what reason, to support those who bought homes on the strength of inflated earning to borrowing loans , it used to be if you cant afford dont buy, now its a whinge I want I want and if I cant get its the govts fault,

cheers KW

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I was stupified that channel 4 decided it prudent to interview a north london estate agent on the matter, who basically said that because the S.E is over populated and nobody can breath anymore let alone move house the cheapest house on his books was £210K so it was a token gesture by the government but it will have no effect. I think my shouting at the TV to point out to the moron that contrary to the London media's belief a lot of the UK population live elsewhere!!! :good:


Still, he was/is a moron and hopefully things are looking up! :good:

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Look at the economy we are f*cked; the £ is plummeting against the other currencies. Some of the government and consumer debts need to be paid off before we can restart the spending party. I'd rather suffer a bit now and get off on a good start again with a more sustainable economy.


This change in stamp duty is only going to cause a "dead cat bounce" in the market.


Oh and gas prices will treble this winter when the EU imposes restrictions against Russia, so make sure your new house has an open fire.




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Oh and gas prices will treble this winter when the EU imposes restrictions against Russia, so make sure your new house has an open fire.





Oh so thats the govts fault as well, nowt do with that old crow thatcher selling off our assets? to the point that we now have OUR gas taken from this country at low prices,by edf and rwe, stored in germany and france, then pumped back at inflated "market" prices, just wait till they buy our nuclear option? wont be many picket fences about!!

cheers KW

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it just shows what a shower of **** this government is, this won't kick start the housing market the only reason they have had to do this is because they suggested it might be happening which caused the market to stop for the last month. they've only included a very small percentage of buyers but I guess may at least have finally clarified what is going on


so how do you work that out? the crisis in the housing market was brought on by the buiulding societies and the lenders? not the govt, in fact the govt have given MY money away bailing out the likes of northern rock, and for what reason, to support those who bought homes on the strength of inflated earning to borrowing loans , it used to be if you cant afford dont buy, now its a whinge I want I want and if I cant get its the govts fault,

cheers KW



it was but speculation about stamp duty has made it worse in the last month especially as it was thought it might be accross the board, after all they were still denying it up to last week.

As for reposessions a lot are just people having to have everything now with no real idea about life in general. My other half asseses people for council houses and gives them out and the reposessions she is seeing would make you mad. Houses only get reposessed when people hide their head in the sand and run from problems, a bit of simple talking to lenders and intelligent ways of managing money most people wouldn't be repossesed. But she is seeing people who just don't pay the mortgage and hide from it till the court papers come through then they expect the state to house them :good:

Lenders are scapegoats and its another sign of our blame anyone society rather than take any personal responsibility, if you can't afford to pay for it then why take out the mortgage it shouldn't be entirely blamed on the banks that you can't run your own finances. In certain cases high lending can be fine depends how responsible the person is.

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I was stupified that channel 4 decided it prudent to interview a north london estate agent on the matter, who basically said that because the S.E is over populated and nobody can breath anymore let alone move house the cheapest house on his books was £210K so it was a token gesture by the government but it will have no effect. I think my shouting at the TV to point out to the moron that contrary to the London media's belief a lot of the UK population live elsewhere!!! :good:


Still, he was/is a moron and hopefully things are looking up! :good:



Interestingly I was in Leeds over the weekend staying with someone, 6 houses were for sale on the road and 4 were repo sales starting at 92K so obviously these won't be helped but these weren't selling and made me wonder why someone lets a house at that price get reposessed, none of these were selling even at that sort of price. Compared to where I am in the South East I know prices are far more yet I don't know of a repo house sale in the area, and generally though they are taking longer to sell there are sales going through.

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Don't believe everything the media tell you about our economy, it is slowing but it's not that bad. Take a delve deep into the stock market and there is still a lot of money being made out there. :good: Think your definiation of dead cat bounce may be a little off the mark rocky as as mentioned, the shares in the housing markets are already bouncing...unlike a dead cat. :good: I think you have a right to be concerned about gas, but yes we presently have 3 woodburners and the next house will have two, so thanks for the concern! ??? I think that if we do go into steeper declines I think that this will be the first to have ever been pushed over the edge by media hype - ####ers! Even the BBC now reports hype rather than the news - look at the facts, not the 'news' in my book! :good:

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Interestingly I was in Leeds over the weekend staying with someone, 6 houses were for sale on the road and 4 were repo sales starting at 92K so obviously these won't be helped but these weren't selling and made me wonder why someone lets a house at that price get reposessed, none of these were selling even at that sort of price. Compared to where I am in the South East I know prices are far more yet I don't know of a repo house sale in the area, and generally though they are taking longer to sell there are sales going through.


They are still going through everywhere, if you keep an eye out on a house you think looks nice it still sells after a little while. Thankfully the house we did that on the sale fell through, so we're having it instead. :good: There is also a reasonable bit of movement in the housing market upper end due to cash purchases and downsizing, but this stamp duty freeze will help. :good:

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