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Has anyone one used the Truglo sight systems to resolve left eye dominance for a right hand shooter or vice vers for shotgun use?


Further are there any comments with regard to the fixing of these sights – it goes against the grain to use glue on a nice gun?


I have notice replacement version that takes the place of the front bead and actually screws in that place however this seems to be a smaller model of the sight and I wonder how effective that version would be again with the left eye dominance being the main concern?



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Havent used this one but have one the red easyhit beads on my gun. I really suffered with eye domincation and shoot RH. Kept clay shooting and people said why are you shooting so far over to the left but I did not relaise I was doing so. I was shooting way over to the left but since I had this put on, the difference it has made is unreal. If you havent got a easyhit one, if your going to MGF at Weston Park go and have a look at theeasyhit stand and have a look at one for yourself.


The guy that owns easyhit is a shotgun instructor as well and really understands what the shooter problems are and the problems of eye dominance.


I was the best money I have spent and well worth it.

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I have one fitted to both of my guns. My son uses one on his. A good friend Mark fitted one yesterday after complaing about looking down the side of the barrel. He shot 46/50 at Rishton today on a difficult sporting layout. His highest ever.


All were fitted with the "Ruby" sight. Identical to the Truglo, but 2/3 the price. Easily obtained via another site. PM me if you want the details.

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I have one fitted to both of my guns. My son uses one on his. A good friend Mark fitted one yesterday after complaing about looking down the side of the barrel. He shot 46/50 at Rishton today on a difficult sporting layout. His highest ever.


All were fitted with the "Ruby" sight. Identical to the Truglo, but 2/3 the price. Easily obtained via another site. PM me if you want the details.



I didn't know what make my site was (came on a gun I just bought), but now I know it's a 'Ruby' site.

Recomended :lol:

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When i had some lessons last year, i was told specifically not to look at the gun (I am right handed and left eye dominant, so close my left eye) and focus purely on the target bird. Seems to work for me, so don't understand how having a bead on the end of the gun helps out, as that surely focuses your eye on the gun. Anybody clever out there able to enlighten me??

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I've got a bit of cross dominance - I see two shotguns instead of one when I'm looking down the barrel (before you ask no, cider is not involved) so close my left eye at the last second and seem to hit stuff OK! But quite interested in these glow sights - will it help me to know which of the 2 guns I see is the one to put the target on without shutting an eye? I'm not blind by the way... :lol:

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I understand the comments re specifically not to look at the gun however with a shotgun the eyes and the gun fit make up the ginn sight and the gun must point where the eye directs thus eye dominance is critical. If you close one eye or partially squint you can solve the problem but you lose part of the sight picture and will be at a disadvantge over a two eye shooter. Also if your like me you will often forget to close the left eye in the heat of the moment. As I understand it these sights can only been seen with the "right" eye and so give the brain a clear indication of the correct sight picture. This is what I have read in any case.

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