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At the end of the shoot day


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What do you do with the dog at the end of the shoot day?


I.E. The last drive is over, the birds picked and you head back to the bait hut/barn/house/shed for a drink or to pick up your car or lunch or whatever. Right or wrong the dogs inevitably get left in the truck for at least half an hour before heading home.


This is my first year with a dog at the shoot and I want to be ready. A mate last year had a neoprene jacket for the dog and reckoned by the time the dog got home she was dry.


I will probably go down the same route. My cocker has no fat on her at all so depending on the weather and the cover, I'm sure she gonna be soaking and cold.


I don't mean for during the day. although maybe at lunch, more the period between the last drive and getting home in front of the fire.



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ihave a dog box which has shredded paper in it so at the end of the day the dogs get snuggled in and dry off in minutes i personaly dont like to see dogs cold and wet shivering in the back of a cold car while the owner is in a warm beaters hut having a hot cup of coffee the dogs have probly ran 3 times as many miles so will have swet then to sit in a cold car sends them stiff

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Take a towel and rub them dry when you are finished. At first they may not appreciate this but after a few times they just grumble and put up with it. When they are dry give them something warm to rest on (an old bath towl or blanket). Sometimes during the winter, when it's really cold I put them in the passengers footwell to warm them up on the way back

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Make sure they've had a good drink of clean fresh water.

I then towel mine off and i've got a towelling coat which wicks away moisture from the dogs coat. I put this on then put the dog into the her box. By the time i get home she's dry.

If i'm going to be late home i tend to take some food rations that will tied her over until we get home. If the dog's car sick don't feed too much food.

Never put a cold wet dog away in the kennel at the end of the day. They've worked their heart out for you and deserve more than that.

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the dogs have probly ran 3 times as many miles so will have swet then to sit in a cold car sends them stiff


Dogs don't sweat - they have no sweat glands (except in their feet), hence the need to pant to cool down. And if my dog only covered 3 times as many miles as me then she'd be sacked!!


Agree that wet dogs shouldn't be just left in the cold truck though - they deserve better. Good rub down with a towel at the end of the day (and even before lunch if she's wet, our place tends to stop for longish lunches), then home for a bit of spoiling and a stretch out infront of the open fire :good:

Edited by Cushat
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Jaz has been down for about 2 hours.............................got back today after doing some dogging in.............


He was well keen..............


Did well too..............bit more steadying to the whistle needed, but he was rounding em up with gusto.


Treated him to some nice Lamb mice and a couple of treats...........poor guy is shattered.


Hes running quite lean at the moment....could do with a bit more on him as hes a bit ribby.....stick him on the mince for a while and see if I can get a bit more weight onto him.



He was just bursting to get off when having a break................quivvering with excitment....



Now,,,,,hes nice and warm..............led down crashed out..........Bless him

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Jaz has been down for about 2 hours.............................got back today after doing some dogging in.............


He was well keen..............


Did well too..............bit more steadying to the whistle needed, but he was rounding em up with gusto.


Treated him to some nice Lamb mice and a couple of treats...........poor guy is shattered.


Hes running quite lean at the moment....could do with a bit more on him as hes a bit ribby.....stick him on the mince for a while and see if I can get a bit more weight onto him.



He was just bursting to get off when having a break................quivvering with excitment....



Now,,,,,hes nice and warm..............led down crashed out..........Bless him


Nothing wrong with the dog showing ribs and far better than a barrel on four hose pipes IMHO




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