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Bloody travellers


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There was a rattle of my letterbox yesterday. Must be the postie thought I, looked through the glass of the front door to observe a petite kneeling figure dressed in black & blue, tis not the postie methinks, he always looks sort of red and orange with a bushy grey beard. What has popped through my letterbox says I to mesen, picking it from the mat, oh nice, tis the latest edition of't Parish Council booklet, all glossy and pristine, I walk to the window to see whom this new delivery person is, very efficient, she is already four doors away.

Ah good, our local PCSO doesn't seem to be able to find any crime to tackle in our semi rural/urban area, hmm, no car tax dodgers, no blue badge cheats, NOPE the Friggin council are using the two plastics as delivery boys...unbelievable.


The Parish Council mag kindly informed me of how my council taxes were being utilised as the borough was giving funds to the parish to pay for extra policing. How uplifting. I had a full belly laugh a week or so ago sitting in a queue of traffic watching the two plastics attempting to round up a flock of sheep after Pikeies had left a gate open. Hmm, thought I to myself, that young man is holding that there sheep in a very suspicious position, wonder if he is aware tis a Ram. Did he stop for a moment to do a risk assessment? Was she off for two days with a back strain?


Meanwhile the village Yobs run riot and a procession of strange caravans pulled by lorries and white transits navigate the high street...hmmm must be a caravan club rally on the sports field.

Edited by Stormwolf
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its a sad state of affairs when the police are crying out for much needed respect from the public at the same time we have to here all about the gay police asociation ,fast track promotion for ethnic members etc .

for all the hardwork the boys in blue are doing there seems to be plenty of others who dont give a monkeys about the real service we want, we pay for and want protection,is that too much to ask for?

i am not bashing the police but it is about time law and order took a reality check.

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So in answer to your post, ASOM, if all police officers were so dependable and tough, there would be a lot less moaning and griping from the public


Erm I did not say they were ALL Dependable and Tough, I said they are a mixed bag of folk. Things will change when they deploy the Mk1 Police Robot, think Terminator but in a Top hat :lol:


Dont you mena Robocop???


Uphold the law

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