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goose cartridges

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what cartridges do you use for geese :yes::P , i was going to get some 50 gram 3's for £12.50 a box, but just wondered what you would get first :hmm:


They would be lead then and therefore illegal to use on geese where you are based :welcomeani:


Anyone who does this and gets caught, and people have been, does this sport and the people who actually care for it a great deal of harm and will hasten us having to use non-tox for all shooting.

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Steel in mamonth 40 or 42 gr BBS are pretty good for close geese up to 40 yards , but you cant beat Hevi shot in 3s or Kent Impact Tungstun in 3s or 1s for longer shots. Forget about Bismuth in big shot sizes. They are fine for duck , but the bigger pellets fragment on hitting bone.


I shot a couple of pinks this morning with mamonth 3s this morning , but I was expecting duck and they were close. I would not recoment anything smaller than 1s in steel.

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I doubt that you could get 50 grams of steel shot in a 3" case. I may be wrong though.


The 3 1/2" cartridges I use were £14.99 a box of 25.


No you are right MC you can't get 50 grammes in a 3" case. Max load in the newer factory loads because of the thicker wads is 36g. Winchester drylocks used to be a 1 3/8 oz in a 3" case but they were an earlier production cartridge which had the thinner wads.

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