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Short walk


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I went out for a quick walkabout just as it was getting dark earlier. I had intended to go out at dawn, but I had a bad night and overslept instead :oops: , not sure if I missed much though as the weather was pretty horrible out until the afternoon when the wind dropped to a more airgun friendly level.


Anyway, I grabbed my kit at about 3.15 and just took a walk up a wooded lane that runs about a quarter of a mile from the farm, giving access to 7 different fields. Despite being very narrow and only having cover on one side for most of it's length, it lends itself to a heck of a lot of shooting opportunities.

Most of today's walk was pretty uneventful, normally a lot of pigeons use it as roost but today there was a good bit of shooting going on next door and they had decided to find somewhere quieter, I only saw a dozen or so as opposed to the 100+ which is normal for this time of year. A shame for me as I enjoy the challenge of getting close enough to the regularly used roost trees without getting spotted.


With the top of the lane well in sight and the light failing fast it was beginning to look like a very uneventful hunt. Somehow, within 70 yards of me getting to the top gate a crow pitched in to one of the top trees without spotting me. At about 50 yards a squirrel showed itself so had two potential targets within 10 yards of each other. I closed the gap a touch further but got spotted by the crow, hardly surprising as there was very little cover for me. The squirrel had made itself comfy and I suspect it was also watching me. I got the range down to 30 yards without any trouble and was able to take the shot, lying prone on a mound of earth. The impact made a real pop sound which didn't sound a bit right for a head shot, but the squirrel just rolled off its branch and didn't even twitch when it hit the ground.


The walk back down was very uneventful, but my chances of spotting anything were next to nothing as it was gone 4.30 by this time.


In the end I was only out for about 90 minutes, but it was a decent walk and I didn't get rained on which was a definite bonus.




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