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Other than the barrel, what else do you lubracate/clean?


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I have shot and cleaned my gun for the first time today and have read as much as I can about barrel cleaning.. I think i am doing it right (although I don't like the idea of shoving the bronze brush down the barrel, it just doesn't feel right).


But other than the barrel, is there anything else whch needs to be cleaned and/or lubracated.. Should I be spraying inot the moving parts (i.e trigger, firing pin, etc) or not?


Also, before I store, should I give anything a spray so leave it with a good coating of oil?



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Hi Mate,


I assume you're talking about a break action shotty? A word of advice before you start spraying oil and cleaning products around:


The less oil the better!!


Don't whatever you do soak your gun in oil, you'll ruin it and make it dangerous to shoot. A very light coating of oil, applied with a rag or patch or whatever you want to use is all that's needed. I do this to all areas of the metal work. I then usually give the outside of the action a rub off to remove any excess there. You shouldn't have any oil visible, i.e. no drips etc.


Excess oil down the barrel can cause barrels to burst or bulge - not good. Don't spray oil down the barrels, just put a bit on a patch (or kitchen roll which is cheaper!) and run it through them with your cleaning rod. then run a dry patch through to remove any excess.


Oil collects dirt like anything so less is better. DEFINITELY don't spray oil into your action through the firing pin holes.


Make sure there is none on your wood before you put it away too as it can ruin it.





Edited by southernlad
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Guest topshot_2k

use some of the newer oils that eveaporate and just leave a protective coating, the older 'youngs' oil colects dirt etc.


i then use coppa slip on my choke threads and some light grease on the ejectors/hinge knuckles, also store my guns barrel down so any excess drains out of the barrel and not into the action/wood

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Think i read in sporting gun a few years ago that WD40 knackers the blueing up on the barrels. i squirt a bit of it inside the barrels then push a bit of kitchen roll through. The rest of the metal i give a quick wipe over with a lint free cloth lightly coated in gun oil,a touch of car bearing grease on the knuckles and threads of the multi-chokes,and buff the stock and forend with normal furniture polish. And there you go.... :lol:

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