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A foxy evening...


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So I decided to invite garyb for an evening of lamping over at my permission. We went without a car/4x4/quad bike and went by foot. I had a spot planned for some time - a tree that has a high seat built against it.


After a good ten minute walk we got there. A squeeze and a struggle to fit two people in there eventually worked out! Gary gave a few squeals with his squeaker (which I am going to buy after I have finished this) A quick scan with the torch, nothing.


I said we should have another squeak after a two minute break. I scanned the beam across the field and all of a sudden two pairs of eyes were sat there.


"Pair of eyes, I see a pair" I said. Gary couldn't see the spot by that point because it was really difficult to manoeuvre in a one person seat.


Once Gary had turned round and saw what was going on, it turned out to be a fox and a rabbit, about 175 yards away. I wasn't sure what was going on, but Gary made a mention about the fox possibly being after the rabbit.


Lamp turned off and Gary started squeaking.... Lamp back on, the fox was 125 yards away.


Lamp off again and back on, the fox was 100 yards away.


"he can come closer" I heard


A few squeaks and the lamp came back on. The fox was crouching about 75 yards away.


Gary took the shot with his .223 and the fox dropped on the spot - a perfectly clean kill.


The shot was paced to 75 yards and the shot was perfectly between the shoulders from a face on position. We thought the bullet hadn't exited and had been stopped by the fox being face on, but we later found the exit wound on the lower chest. After inspection, it was a vixen, which clearly had never had a lamp pointed at it!


After a bit of a walk we ended up back on the same field and we spotted another fox. A few squeaks and I thought he was going off - I had his silhouette in my sights and Gary couldn't see it, but I said to keep the lamp still. I aimed just above the shoulders, but it went over - clearly much closer than I thought!


It was a great night and I'm looking forward to the next, thank you Garyb



Edited by harfordwmj
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Nice write up Will mate...


We caught her eyes just emerging from the cover crop, just beyond the release pen. When I got the scope on her I watched her chasing a rabbit in and out of the cover...


A bit of squeaking and a 55grn Federal Softpoint later and she was no more.


Came very nicely to the FoxCallUk caller :hmm:

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