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Posties on strike


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No it's only that no other company can afford the outlay to set up or as said they would be like woolies.

Before you keep defending their action think of the others that suffer. Old folk not getting pension payments. Companies not receiving payments so can't afford to pay staff. Self emplyed (like my self) not getting my payments and all this right on a time of year when every penny counts for ever one and before you reply just remember this was there choice to strike

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They decided to strike because they feel they have no choice but to do so to fight for their jobs, unfortunately in every industrial strke someone suffers, i dont think at this time of year they took the decision lightly either as every penny counts for them too.

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They decided to strike because they feel they have no choice but to do so to fight for their jobs, unfortunately in every industrial strke someone suffers, i dont think at this time of year they took the decision lightly either as every penny counts for them too.


They done it this time of year for the most impact even you should be able to see that

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From my experience, strikes rarely, if ever solve any problems.


Think back a couple of decades, we had tens of thousands of miners in Britain, they along with the dockers had, shall we say an established reputation for going on strike.


Look at those industries now. Very few miners left. I doubt that anyone would care if the ones remaining went on strike, as most of the coal we use is now imported. The dockers basically became mechanised, and Britains docks now move more goods with a fraction of the men.


The post office do face some strong competition in some sectors, alas low priced high volume letter delivery is not one of them. We have a few different postmen who deliver and collect to my business, sadly, all but one are total jobsworths. I think that one of them is the shop steward, several months ago he went off on one and commenced giving me a lecture. He didnt get the chance to get anywhere near finishing it, and found him self the wrong end of a ####ing from me. He still calls from time to time, but its head down and gob shut.


Clearly the Post Office need to improve their efficiency, if they fail to, prices will eventually rise to a point where one or more of the competitors will set up an infrastructure, free of the constraints currently experienced by Royal Mail.



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aaaaaarh webber i wondered how long it would be before you came along, from your statement you sound right but just look how things are now, other countrys that we import coal and steel from now are holding us to ramson with inflated prices, their prices were only cheaper while they wanted our buisness, once they got the greeedy pricks to buy their coal and steel, closing our industries down they upt the anti hence why we are now paying higher fuel prices, its not just because of the increase of oil prices, oh and theres talk of opening the coal mines again because for us to extract it it would be cheaper than to import it oh how the wheel as turned.

strikes these days are called to try to get everyone around a negoicateing table mainly because of the stuborness of the management.

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I've recently left the post office to go on to pastures new after a year, McF is right, the job has changed alot from what I gather and the comparisons made with yester year.


Alot of the problems are caused by people in offices who have no idea whats its like actually doing the job making decisons that affect the people on delivery. Taking on contracts such as the various energy companies light bulbs, BT broadband starter kits post code lottery and door-to-doors ( ie junk). These are being taking on for what I could see no thought on how these extra contracts can be integrated into the day-to-day business. Especially when none of these people actually come down to the local delivery office to explain decisions and new initiatives instead leaving it to the office manager to deliver the good news to the staff. No really good motivation or good for morale when its p*ssing it down and every bag you have is rammed weighing anything up to 16kg. Especially at this time of year, its manic. Of course during summer it can be very light and we did get finished about an hour before time, but its job & finish but a new agreement was signed where this would change and you might have do more to finish on your time. But every locality has there own agreements and it changes from area to area.


When its hard its like an endurance challange bending down to low letter boxes or delivering a street where every house has a line of steps up to it and when its sunny and the weights are down then it was a great job.

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You forget that I was made redundant some 30 years ago, thanks to a strike, which culminated in the strikers returning to work for a lesser offer than originally offered, and the best part of 500 immediate redundancies. Thats what happens when you have competitors and a free market.


I loved my job, and would have been works engineer. I know that you enjoyed your time down the pit, but from some of the stories you have told me whilst pigeon shooting, I'm not surprised that the pits shut. WE both know that the loss of coal and glass jobs had a serious affect on our town.


I think that the posties should remember that the majority of postal work is not highly skilled, and that given the current economic situation and rising jobless count, there would be no end of willing applicants, onlt too pleased to try and do it how the boss wants it done. Thats life.



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Bah....what a lot of rot.....


Most postpeople don't want to break a sweat at all......oh it's so difficult to pull that "I'm working soooo hard face" pulling a sack of paper to a van...then to the cafe again.......


wfe: have you had a hard day dear?

Post: oh ay the wife...... nearly broke a sweat today, got onto union....they'll put a stop to it sharpish!

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All trade unions are the same. The only way is to make them illegal. :hmm:

Where is new Margaret Thatcher? Surely it is not David Cameron... :(


yes because we desperately need someone to steel the milk of our kids.......


Much more relevant in todays economic climate is the fact that it was said supper hero who decided to deregulate banks & building society's so they could compete for mortgage bussiness,..... making profit the main aim off these establishments rather than responsible lending .....its this that many pundits believe put in place a series of events that have enabled us to lend so recklessly that we are now on our knees in the middle of a credit crunch,


Oh & guess who's Conservative chums all turned out to get fat cat jobs in these financial establishments,.....


politics is a subject I try to keep off because we will never agree but I am surprised in what high regard Mrs T is held by some people on this site.... lest we forget it was her own party that ousted her.... but that fades with time & the crimson glasses go on, in the poles she was the most hated priminister Britain had seen and was on for a humiliating election defeat.... until some great spin yes spin regarding a war 8000 miles away painted her as Margret Churchill


you know what i always say "each to there own" so if you don't agree well thats your right and i respect that....but I do find the Mrs T question hard to keep stum about.


In balance I'm sure there were things she did that benefited people (the rich & landed ..... stop it you bitch) so I'm sure there are many different views out there which I would welcome, but please remember...... criticize my views, criticize my actions, disagree with my beliefs ... thats your right .....what you should not do is make it personal and criticize me

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When its hard its like an endurance challange bending down to low letter boxes or delivering a street where every house has a line of steps up to it


boo hoo :hmm:


I delivered to flats in Harold Hill, four flights of cold concrete stairwells, no lifts.


I also ran a car valeting company a few years ago. We cleaned cars from 6:30 am til 6pm. Sometimes we valeted 20+ cars a day. I got thru the soles on a pair of boots every three months, the water froze in the jet wash some days in the winter and sprayed out icy water like a Mr Frosty, I dropped two stone in 18 months. NOW THAT IS HARD WORK !!!!

Edited by LV
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boo hoo :hmm:


I delivered to flats in Harold Hill, four flights of cold concrete stairwells, no lifts.


I also ran a car valeting company a few years ago. We cleaned cars from 6:30 am til 6pm. Sometimes we valeted 20+ cars a day. I got thru the soles on a pair of boots every three months, the water froze in the jet wash some days in the winter and sprayed out icy water like a Mr Frosty, I dropped two stone in 18 months. NOW THAT IS HARD WORK !!!!


Well you know what I mean, nnot as easy as people say.

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I'll say it again why do you narrow minded people on here call people that go on strike Lazy lets not go into politics about it, i just dont understand why at the begining of this post people called them lazy because they were going on strike.


LV if the job was so easy and pay so good why did you pack it in ?


broken man you may wish to change your statement to (most people dont wont to break sweat) not just posties


webber my point is they are going to go on strike to protect theres and other peoples jobs, in the current climate the way things are going it will be like Thatcher is back in office with more than 3 million people on the dole, that was the good old times in some peoples eyes, espeacialy employers as they new they could bully their employees to do as they wanted for as little pay as possible as there was always someone on the dole desperate enough to replace them.

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From Viz:


Postman Plod is the name of a comic strip in the British comic Viz and the name of the main character. It was drawn by Graham Dury, who created many other Viz characters, including The Fat Slags.


It appeared regularly during the 1980s until the mid-1990s.


As his name suggests, Plod is a postman, and is probably a parody of the children's character Postman Pat. Unlike Pat, Postman Plod is an incredibly lazy, drunken, miserable and bad tempered man and a chronic malingerer. He obviously hates his job and hates the people he is obliged to deliver letters to.


Plod is extremely lazy and lethargic and frequently takes extended periods off work with questionable excuses that only hold water because they are supported with notes from his doctor who is just lazy as he is. The pair of them often concoct some excuse for time off work so that they can go and play golf. Whenever he turns up for work at all Plod is completely lacking in any work ethics, and often enjoys opening and reading the mail he is meant to be delivering. He is not even bothered about hiding this activity, and once, after reading someone's bank statement, mocked that person for their poor financial situation.


When extracting payment from a postal customer, he points directly into the customer's wallet and stipulates payment in "some of those big brown fivers". (In British currency, the large brown banknotes are £10 notes, not fivers.) When reluctantly giving change to a customer, Plod will pay it in "those little blue tenners". (The smaller blue banknotes are £5 notes, not tenners.) Since Plod's customers are often elderly and on the brink of senility, these tricks usually succeed.


It seems that he is not alone in his sloppy and downright illegal activities. The other post office staff are also shown to be lazy and dissatisfied with their jobs and spend most of the time sat playing cards (with the exception of the post office manager who tries desperately in vain to run a tight ship). In the lead up to Christmas once, Plod and all his fellow postmen opened up all the parcels at the sorting office and stole whatever they wanted to save having to buy their own presents. On one occasion he even just chucked all the mail he was meant to deliver in a hedge and went home early. Another strip in a Christmas edition of Viz has Plod as the central figure on 'NIGHT MAIL' by W.H. AUDEN, a poem known by almost every schoolboy (This is the night mail, crossing the border, bringing the cheque and the postal order...). But instead of the mail being sorted on the way for delivery, it is lying in bags unsorted 'cause Plod's at the bar' getting sloshed! Plod ends up getting thrown out on the railtracks, and shouting a drunken version of 'Merry Christmas' to the reader!


Like many characters in Viz, Plod almost constantly has a cigarette dangling from his lips. He nearly always has stubble and never shows up for work on time.


Generally, there's a kernel of truth in all parody.

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I won't labour the obvious facts here: it's an easy, cop-out job for those who don't want a challenge. Not very difficult, easier than ditch-digging, probably on a level with being a traffic warden.


The Post Office was over-staffed for years, now it's got to thin down, and the Proles don't like it. The job cuts have been on the cards for months, but the unions wait for Christmas to cause maximum disruption. And people wonder why postman are coming in for stick...


McF, if coming from the North West means Liverpool, you should be aware that Militant Tendency were stuffed years ago, get over it, and secondly, Boris Johnson was right.


Flashy walks off, waving a wedge of notes, Loadsamoney stylee...

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Generally, there's a kernel of truth in all parody.



Flashy walks off, waving a wedge of notes, Loadsamoney stylee...


Well if Viz is to be the standards to which we are all collectively lumped, I imagine you were sodomised as a small boy at school and are the product of too much inbreeding ?

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Dont worry people the postman wont be able to strike soon because they wont have a job to go on strike for.


I remember when I was younger the mail was posted like 6-7 in the morning, now Im lucky to get it by 12 midday.


Why did they become a postman?:good: Im sure it would say in there contract or said at the interview that they would be walking long distances while carrying a postal bag. Lazy people to right they are.

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Well if Viz is to be the standards to which we are all collectively lumped, I imagine you were sodomised as a small boy at school and are the product of too much inbreeding ?


Is that the drunken slur of a cross-dresser, echoing over Hadrian's Wall?


My alma mater was only a minor public school: heavy on the sodomy, less so on in-breeding. Lots of cold showers, porridge and misery. In fact, not unlike Scotland, upon reflection.


Let's set up a new post to address the Sweaty's character failings, I don't wish to side-track the kicking being handed out to posties.

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Well if Viz is to be the standards to which we are all collectively lumped, I imagine you were sodomised as a small boy at school and are the product of too much inbreeding ?


Ouch that stings..... thats a good reason not to be to out spoken on hear.... someone will always come back at you with a cracking retort....

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Is that the drunken slur of a cross-dresser, echoing over Hadrian's Wall?


My alma mater was only a minor public school: heavy on the sodomy, less so on in-breeding. Lots of cold showers, porridge and misery. In fact, not unlike Scotland, upon reflection.


Let's set up a new post to address the Sweaty's character failings, I don't wish to side-track the kicking being handed out to posties.


Go for it mate, I`m British born and ENGLISH by grace of God !


...........exits stage left smirking :good:

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