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Clay shooting in Essex


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Bottled it again then Cat?


The thought of shooting against me again was just too much was it? :mad::mad:


One of my many New Years resolutions is to be more understanding to those who may not possess much natural talent at the sport.


In your case I'm starting a day early and doing you a favour by not turning up, modesty does not permit me to remind you of the scores at the Bucks v Essex challenge. :good::good::no:


Have a good day, don't choke on your burger. ;)



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Thanks for the good morning guys. Enjoyed myself although i'm still not convinced by the layout there, just too any repeated birds. I know i winged about shooting a round of skeet but glad we stopped the sporting after 50. As was the problem the last time i went, after 50/60 sporting you struggle for any variation.


There was myself, Mungler, MC and a couple of Martin's mates, Richard and Darril (With an i!).


Scores for 50 Sporting:

MC & Mungler - 37

Markio - 34

Darril - 32

Richard - 29 (from memory)


Scores for Skeet:

Markio - 23

MC - 22

Mungler - 20

Darril - 20 (from memory)

Richard - 20 (from memory)


Mungler's excuse bag ranged from 'i turned up at the wrong shooting ground' too 'i bought my pump intentionally' :lol:

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Thanks for the good morning guys. Enjoyed myself although i'm still not convinced by the layout there, just too any repeated birds. I know i winged about shooting a round of skeet but glad we stopped the sporting after 50. As was the problem the last time i went, after 50/60 sporting you struggle for any variation.


There was myself, Mungler, MC and a couple of Martin's mates, Richard and Darril (With an i!).


Scores for 50 Sporting:

MC & Mungler - 37

Markio - 34

Darril - 32

Richard - 29 (from memory)


Scores for Skeet:

Markio - 23

MC - 22

Mungler - 20

Darril - 20 (from memory)

Richard - 20 (from memory)


Mungler's excuse bag ranged from 'i turned up at the wrong shooting ground' too 'i bought my pump intentionally' :drinks:


So do those scores mean that Bazza won the day and that Mung is his biatch ? :lol:


EDIT: if it wasnt my youngest boys birthday I would have attended and beat you all - you are lucky this time !

Edited by LV
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