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i am new to this forum and come to you from the states, and have learned much by emailing some you fine gents.. Is there a limit to the number of weapons a person can own? I know you must apply for the type of gun and explain reason needed.. And that your weapons must be locked when not in use.. What happens if you were to get caught with a gun you are not allowed to have, or say you get busted with a concealed handgun.. I live in a pretty liberal place where i can carry a handgun for no reason, and i also see a trend here that is making it more difficult to get certain items? They want to penalize those of us that follow the law to the letter to "STOP" gun violence? I am not the problem, nor do guns kill people!! People kill people and its our gang bangers over here that contunue to get guns when we law followers can not.. Do you have the same problems in the UK?

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Since handguns were banned in the UK gun crime had gone UP!!!


If you get caught with an unregisterd firearm your looking at a big stretch inside.


And the vast majority of our 'gangsters' would be more likely to be involved in Knife crime, the few 'gangsters' that do have guns don't tend to let the law find out.

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Come live in Ireland if you think you got it bad :good:


We have one minister who poses like this...




And another in the same Political Party (Oxymoron, or just morons?) who want's to ban most (all if truthfull) legal handguns...


Roll on the revolution.


Purely from a gun owners point of view I'd much rather live in certain States of the USA than here under any Government.

Edited by JohnGalway
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Guns, for practical purposes, fall into two catagories.


Section 2 guns are those defined as shotguns, and you can own as many as you like without reason. As long as your security is up to it, you can have a room full.


Section 1 on the other hand is rifles, multi-shot shotguns etc. For each one of these you need a purpose - you cant just have one for the sake of owning it.


If you had a good excuse, say you forgot to post the transfer, for having a sect 2 in your possession not listed on your license and outside the time allowed for loan or transfer, you would probably get a good slap on the wrist, but catch you with a section 1 or banned gun, expect things to be heavy.

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there is another way to look at it and Personally I'm happier to live in the UK. Our guns are licensed and each owner has to have a background check and interview before getting a license. They then have to behave themselves to keep the license.


Now I'm in the minority on here but it does work and it means you do have to take care of firearms and keep them locked away rather than lying round the house etc so I'd imagine our accident statistics are lower then the states, it also means anybody can't just go to the supermarket and buy a gun which to me is a good thing.


Obviously we still have problems with illegally held guns but crimes with legally held firearms are very low. Excepting handguns you can still get most firearms if you can demonstrate a need to own them and generally the anti guns lobby has to be happy with the situation as it is. In the US you do have to wonder how many killings and masacres you really need before you put in place a similar system but you have the problem of the massive number of firearms in circulation, and the feeling everyone has to be able to defend themselves.

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al4x..You do have some valid arguments.. I cannot stand the antis yelling "Guns kill people!" Its like saying that spoon made me fat.. And yes we have a problem with gang bangers and guns.. and many do arm themselves solely for protection.. I myself carry a .45, and am registered and hold the proper permits.. Our second amendments grants us these rights, and as always there is one moron who feels the need to ruin it for the lot of us..

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