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How to set up a good decoy layout on the field

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Hi everybody,

As a new shooter I'm making some mistake and I need some goooood suggestions.

This it's the gear that I own:

18 pigeon decoy shell

1 pigeon pole

1 rotary decoy machine

Which layout you would select and would you change it during the day?

Thanks for any help

Marco :lol:

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Here are a few ideas on layouts. http://www.pigeonwatch.co.uk/tips.htm

You could also use the "Search" facility, put in "decoy layouts", or something similar, that should bring up quite a few posts.


If the birds appear cautious, or avoid your layout, then thats the time to vary it ,(check your hide first, perhaps they can see you, its not always the fault of the decoys).


Watch how small groups of pigeons feed on a field and see how new birds join the group.

Its observations like this that will help your layout ideas.

Thats how most of us learnt. :lol:

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I would set up the hide with the wind behind or from the side. If you are setting up on oil seed rape, place your decoys about two yards apart in a pattern easily visible to the pigeons. This pattern needs to be about 25-30 yards from the hide.


If you put out the rotary and nothing is coming to the decoys, take it in and see what happens. I prefer to use two floaters on the edge of the pattern rather than a rotary on oil seed rape. Deako sells them at ##############.


Try and see what happens.


If after half an hour things are not good, something is wrong. Try changing things to your advantage.


It is still early days for you but don't loose heart. You'll learn!



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No matter how expensive or realistic they look,plastic/rubber deeks will never look as good to the pigeons as the real thing.After every session i stick about 6 woodies in my chest freezer to start the next session with(discarded afterwards).When i set them out i keep them together distance apart depending on windstrength,the stronger the wind the closer together i set them(seems to work for me),and i usually put 2 or 3 artificials about 30yds behind my pattern because they stand out a lot better and they lead the birds to my pattern.As birds are shot they are added to the pattern,when i feel the pattern is big enough i remove the artificials.The more birds i have out,the more suicidal the woodies get until it gets to the point i don't even pick them unless they are clipped or lying belly up.I'm no pro and i'm not trying to kid anyone into thinking days like this happen everytime i go out but they do happen and these are the days i try to achieve and i find the methods above work best for me.

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