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Newbie shotgun license question.


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Hi all! Ive been shooting with an air rifle for some time now and over christmas went on a driven pheasant shoot. I really enjoyed the shoot and so i was considering applying for a shotgun license. The only problem i can see with my application is i have suffered mildly with depression for many years which my gp has treated me for. I have never been a danger to anyone or myself , have no criminal record, dont take drugs etc! Does anyone know if this will automatically mean i cant get a license?

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Im sure I came across a thread on a discussion board regarding this; there was a guy who asked the same and a couple of months later had added that he got his sgc. Try googling ` shotgun application questions` or something along those lines. Id googled something along those lines and read the thread. Good luck mate.

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I had depression for a while 3 years ago, was on medication and have been off of it for about 2 years now. I mentioned it on my application and the question "but you're not on anything now though" was asked. I had no problems.


Put in for a licence. Say you have it. Get your doctor to counter sign (if you can) and wait.


All you can do :innocent:


All the best,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Got my FEO interview on thursday! :hmm:


I Got my doctor to be my countersignatory like suggested so does this mean my background checks have all been done? Will he be able to tell me if i should or shouldn't get my license?


Any tips for the interview would be greatly appreciated!

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Got my FEO interview on thursday! :hmm:


I Got my doctor to be my countersignatory like suggested so does this mean my background checks have all been done? Will he be able to tell me if i should or shouldn't get my license?


Any tips for the interview would be greatly appreciated!


He wants to see what you a like face to face, if he gets a sense of something not right, he probably wont tell you right there but phone you up shortly after or send you a letter.


He will bring a folder with him with everything from you medical history to next door neighbors probably. Dont hide anything from him he has got everything about you already.


And if he asks you where are you going to keep yours keys say that you will keep them in a safe place, dont show him where you are going to keep them.

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:hmm: Keep ya chin up mate,you will be ok,my FAO asked me what precautions to take while out shooting,like dont shoot into bushes or trees if you dont or cant see what is behind it,if i triped or fell while holding my shottie what would i check for after,and with this he puzzeled me for a while and then he hinted about the barrel,and would i check it for clogging with mud,dirt ect....and i said yes and he agreed and told me of somone who had snow in the end of his barrel and it blew up in his face ect...Also what other precautions to take with gun in car and he said to lock it to part of the car boot.....then he thanked me and drank his tea and left......So dont worry they are only Human..... :good:
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I think it went really well. :no:

He asked me about the depression and what i took for it.he said they may want to contact my doctor for some written details which could make the application take a bit longer, but because the doctor is also my countersignatory they might not bother. Seemed like a really nice chap so fingers crossed!

He reckoned it would be 2-3 weeks before i got my license if they didn't contact the doc and however long it takes the doc to write back extra if they did. (could be quite a while from my doctors surgery :no: )

He actually said ' i don't think it will be a problem though' so all in all im really chuffed! :no:

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I think it went really well. :good:

He asked me about the depression and what i took for it.he said they may want to contact my doctor for some written details which could make the application take a bit longer, but because the doctor is also my countersignatory they might not bother. Seemed like a really nice chap so fingers crossed!

He reckoned it would be 2-3 weeks before i got my license if they didn't contact the doc and however long it takes the doc to write back extra if they did. (could be quite a while from my doctors surgery :) )

He actually said ' i don't think it will be a problem though' so all in all im really chuffed! :lol:


Great mate, glad all went well...i had my interview this week, just gotta wait for my cert now...i think waiting for the cert is easier than the wait to see if you have been turned down point blank at the start of the application process

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  • 2 weeks later...

well done mate...still waiting for mine, i did call my feo today to see how long it takes, i asked if it would hurt to enquire with them, he said that i should...called them and the very nice lady said it should be with me this week :good:


as for gun shopping, guns down here are very expensive you can add £100 on top for a new one down here compared to elsewhere, so it looks like transfer...expensive way to do it but still cheaper than the stuff round here.

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