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MTC viper


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Just a quickie for you helpful chaps. Think i've made up my mind bout a new scope, the mtc viper 4-16x50. But was wondering if the mounts included in the package would be high enough to clear the bull barrel on my superten?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)


Edited by scotttomo
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A shameless bump and addition to this topic. Just worried with gettin the 50mm model that the mounts wont be high enough as to not touch the barrel on my s10 bbk. Was goin to order from uttings or somewhere else online as there is no gunshops near me :good:, but uttings has no info on the mount height :yes: .

Thanks again in advance,



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You got a viper KW? Think i'm almost set on getting one :good:

yes I have one on my .243 its a good scope for the money and I like the reticle although some others dont? the mounts that come with it are very poor, otherwise its faultless and the after sales service of MTC is an example of how it should be done .


cheers KW



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I have a Mamba on my FN12, the mounts are far superior to kdubya's (sorry!), they recently changed the supplied mounts to be better ones. As for mounting height, there is more than sufficient room between the scope and barrel on my rifle, but then I don't have a bull barrel. I would highly recommend MTC's scopes though, regardless.

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Just a quickie for you helpful chaps. Think i've made up my mind bout a new scope, the mtc viper 4-16x50. But was wondering if the mounts included in the package would be high enough to clear the bull barrel on my superten?

Thanks in advance for any replies :good:



Scott they are a fantastic scope and yes the lens should clear your bull-barrel.I sold mine to my father which was`nt so fantastic because it was a massive mistake but i`ll be buying another one shortly!As i said mate,this is a fantastic scope!!!!

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Thanks all for the help muchly appreciated chaps :welcomeani: . Now just where to get it from? Anywhere online who does free delivery? Only coz my local gunshop has closed :good: nearest one is chester i think, with me bein on the wirral!!

While i'm here anyone wanna buy a nikko sterling airking gold crown 4-12x42AO? :good:

Thanks again,


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Thanks all for the help muchly appreciated chaps :good: . Now just where to get it from? Anywhere online who does free delivery? Only coz my local gunshop has closed :D nearest one is chester i think, with me bein on the wirral!!

While i'm here anyone wanna buy a nikko sterling airking gold crown 4-12x42AO? :good:

Thanks again,




http://www.mtcoptics.co.uk/ he deals direct if you dont have a local shop


cheersd KW

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Check the mounts supplied with the scope.






I found mine were nice & chunky, up to the job but not suitable for my two airrifles I checked them with.


MTC Vipers are good scopes.






Happy with my Philipeano Simmons for now though.

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well mate at the ranges us airgunners are going to be shooting at,you wont need beyond about 7 magnification.the reason i say this is cos i bought a scope with the same mag,lovely scope,but ive never used beyond 7 mag.i have two other rifles,one has a leupold 3 9 50.the other a 3 10 44.these are plenty,and if you want to do close range stuff,you are going to need an even lower mag.i also own a s10bbk,the 3 10 44 ir is on top of it.and i would go secondhand mate.you will get lots more for your money.hope this helps.Col :angry:

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Got to aggree with that.

I use 9 or 10 mag though @ 15yds plus for air use & 50 to 100yds for rimmie use.

Some of my scopes go to 24 mag, this is handy if your bored & want to scan at distance or watch that distant rabbit, crow or whatever.

The times I've watched the local Buzzards.

Glad I'm not stuck with low mag scopes.

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Well thats thrown a spanner in the works cheers col!! :lol:

I see what you mean bout close range stuff needing a lower mag for more field of vision. But if i can hit paper targets at 50yds whats stopping me needing the extra mag on quarry?

And what distances should my s10bbk not be used beyond to aviod unclean kills? Not sure of exact power of the rifle but it's below 12ftlbs. Cheers for the info by the way i'm still learning :lol: Every day's a school day :lol:



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