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stuck in the mud.


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well, went out last night by meself, and had a few bunnies. later in the evening, i decided to turn my motor around.....in a field...deep with mud............



Yes, you guessed it. :welcomeani::good:


called my brother at 10pm to give me a tow, but his car would not shift it. left a message on the farmers phone, telling him what a tool i had been, and that i hadnt been kidnapped by aliens. Got there this morning at 8.30am, to find the ground frozen, and the car bedded in nicely :good:


Farmhand towed my out with the tractor, and said not to worry, that they all would have a good laugh at my expense later on. :oops:










On the lighter side, the rabbits seemed to have returned en'mass, and i should have my FAC soon (fingers crossed) :oops:

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happend to me many a time, i go in my work truck a nissan cabstar, i dont take it over fields or anything like that but you only have to look at damp grass and it gets stuck. so every time i go now i have to put a few bags of ballast on the back to give it a bit of weight on the rear wheels. hopefully it will be weighed down with pigeons this weekend!!!

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Not for long mate :friends: Can sought that problem out for ya :P


As for getting stuck :birthday:gotto be better than shooting your wing mirror off :drinks:


This should promp a quick response :lol:


you pointed that rabbit out on purpose you ******. need to get that fixed asap. :sly:


cant wait to get "stuck" into that bunnies again soon though :drinks:

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