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wild boar hunting in latvia

Ozzy Fudd

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Hey guys, sorry I couldn’t post this at the weekend as promised, I was a naughty boy and couldn’t post… :rolleyes:


So heres the story of the wild boar hunting. First thing id like to do is thank everyone here who gave me advice before i went, everything from using an sks, what winter clothing to use and how to kill boar and moose, all of it helped in some way or another. :/


Ive had to cut this down a lot and its still a bit too long, but its enough to say that one minute we were going hunting, next we weren’t, then we were, then we weren’t… so on saturday morning, the day we were supposed to be going hunting, i was sitting at the pc playing games. i was definitely not in a good mood - who would be if they had been told they were going wild boar hunting then at the last minute told they wudnt, because thered been a bit of a thaw and the forest would be too muddy?? i tried to point out welly boots are standard issue for uk shooters; didnt work, plus all that wasted time and money buying kit and looking into the art of hunting boar was a touchy subject. so you can imagine what kind of mood i was in... so it got to about 12 o’clock lunch time when katya (the gf) walked in.


“get your gear on, youre going huntingâ€


“Im happy enough here, I don’t care†– well, its not good letting them know they have such power over you…


“stop messing about and get your gear on you, my brothers on his wayâ€


“right, ok…â€


as i started getting my gear on she told me these clubs pay big money every year to hunt boar. they have to bag so many to keep the hunting rights, so if they find alot of boar they call everyone out that isnt there already. Sergei didnt want to be running around a forest all morning looking for boar that mightnt be there, especially if the thaw from friday had continued (it didnt tho). On top of that it’s a poor country and a bit of extra meat for the family is never a bad thing. :lol:



(katya in the car)


Id got half my gear on (tshirt, thin jumper, boots, gators, goretex trousers) when sergei walked in and said we have to go NOW! i ran out of the room, grabbing the 95 jacket (and forgetting my jacket liner) and hoped for the best, it was about minus 15. As we drove to the forest I got myself sorted out in the front of the lada (no jokes, it was better than a landy thru the snow); my black wooly hat and leather gloves were in the jacket as always, along with my hunting knife, shooting glasses and the various odds and ends that come in useful. we got to the right area of the forest after 15 mins of driving through the snow, searching for boar tracks crossing the road so we could work out where to wait. We spotted some, and got out of the car, Sergei handing me an old o/u Baikal 12 bore; not my first choice of shotgun but I was happy enough, i didn’t want to be fumbling with an unfamiliar rifle. he lifted a cartridge belt full of solid slugs and proceeded to take out 4 cartridges, handed them to me, then he put the rest back in the car - so much for going in all tooled up... :lol:



(the track we were at first, see how thick the trees are?)


We moved to the end of the track we were on, couple of hundred yards from the car. The idea was the main hunting group with the dogs combed through the forest, either getting the boar themselves or chasing it out of the forest, where we would be waiting. Not much happened at this place, a dozen or so large black and white birds flew over my head slowly (a local type of pheasant apparently, again, out of season) and after 40 mins the hunt had moved through the forest past us. Sergei said something in Russian and beckoned me after him as he walked back to the car, and katya explained we were going to move to another area, but first we had to meet up with the other hunters to sign forms and stuff.


Things took a bit of a bad turn here. The boss guys had a clip board out and katya told me to give them my gun licences (had eu and uk ones with me to prove i knew how to shoot), and a bit of an argument developed :lol: . after 5 minutes one of the younger guys came over, looked at my licence, said a few things in Russian and we all got back in the cars. katya explained to me theyd agreed to let me hunt, the boss guys were “old men who liked to shout†and the other guy had just told them to wise up, but as a concession I wasn’t going into the forest with them, sergei and I were to take up position outside the forest again, covering a hillside. (Turns out they tried to stitch us up, the hunt veered away from us a few hundred metres from the ridge… :thanks: ). After 10 mins in the car we got to our new position, a large hill; the forest was in front of us on the slope of the hill, behind us was the summit which had been cleared, about 200m wide and 200m long. Katya translated that I was to cover the hillside, but I was being put at the edge of the forest, at the top of a steep ridgeline, with the forest on the slope below. I could fire into the forest as long as I fired straight down, there was another line of hunters somewhere to my left about 100m so i had to be careful where i shot, so all in all it gave me an arc of about 300 degrees to cover. sergei dropped me at my spot and walked off further up the ridgeline around some trees and I lost sight of him.



second place we were at, me with gay orange hat on...


It was about -15 or so, the gear i had on would have been ok for running through the forest but not for standing still, i was starting to get cold. i got into a routine, hands in pockets to warm up, hands out, stamp feet a bit, re-wrap scrim up around neck (id forgot to lift my fleece balaclava and wool shooting gloves as well as jacket liner in the rush ), check safety on gun, break it open, close it.... all the while scanning the whole area. There were a few wood peckers flying in the forest in front of me, which confused me at the start (why are the other hunters tapping the trees, i thought? i was about to do it myself when i looked up and saw a woodpecker..). I saw some of the guys in the line to my left getting bored and moving further away from me up a track, but I wasn’t sure where they stopped or if all of them went. I stood for another 20 minutes when I heard a noise on my left, near to where the other line of hunters should have been, like something moving through bushes. I paused and listened, then I heard it again a minute later, I guessed somewhere in the trees in front of me, about 80m out maybe. These trees weren’t as tightly packed as at the first place, but the ground was very uneven, with lots of dead ground i couldnt see into. I didn’t know what to do, I knew something was there, but couldn’t see it; if I moved forward down the slope id be getting into the line of fire of the hunters who were supposedly to my left; then again whatever it was had moved through there so sumone should have fired a shot... then if i moved into the forest i couldnt cover the hillside behind me; but i knew something was in the forest, itd be stupid to miss out on it... next problem was sergei; I wasn’t sure where he was, AND he was carrying the sks; a shotgun with slugs pointed in your direction is one thing but an sks is a whole different world… :beer:


this all ran through my head in the space of a few seconds til I heard the noise again, about the same distance out but over to my right now. "sod this" i thought, "im not sitting here like a ****" so I started moving towards the ridgeline, walking slowly and carefully. suddenly i heard 4 quick shots from off to my right; they werent the boom of a shotgun, so I knew it was sergei with the sks. I dropped low and brought the shotgun up to my shoulder, just incase anything came my way. The adrenaline was definitely pumping now. yep, boars are dangerous, but i wasnt worried, i was just determined not to mess up; i wanted to prove the old guys wrong, and show sergei i was more than capable of handling myself. A minute later I heard 2 more shots, and a short time after that I heard one final shot; I stayed put, not knowing what was going on, was it a total miss? was there a wounded boar coming my way? i just kept scanning and listening, with those bloody woodpeckers all around me. 5 mins later sergei arrived with a big grin on his face, I managed to work out hed hit a large wild boar (he said bolshei cabann, russian for big boar). :lol: we went to the car and katya translated what happened. Sergei had been about 60m up the ridge from me, to my right, covering a clearing in the forest. He saw the boar coming out at the far side of the clearing at about 100m, so he opened up with the sks, firing 4 shots, two of them hitting home. This didn’t kill the boar, droped it but it tried to get back up, so he charged down the slope, reloading as he went. He got to about 50m and put another two shots into its chest, putting it down behind a log; he circled out round and saw it was still moving, so he put one final round into its chest to be finish the job, and i should point out he was using iron sights!



(sergei was on top of the rise in the back of the pic, i was further along to the right behind the trees)



all 3 of us tracked into the forest to get the boar, me, katya and sergei. On the way in we spotted the tracks of the boar, theyd been mostly in dead ground i couldnt see, as i thought, either a very smart boar or i was unlucky. when I finally saw the boar I just thought wow, that’s big. i was kinda glad i didnt get within shotgun range.... found out later it was 150 kilo's, over 23 stone. we got the pics taken of us and the boar, then I started thinking, how do we get this out of here? we'd had to walk in as the track was too rough and steep. now im 6’2, not a tiny guy, so in the pic you can see that sergei is massive, but we knew this was going be tough. he rang the back up team at the rv, told them he'd hit a boar and needed help dragging it out. we tied a rope round the boars snout and dragged it onto the track between thw two of us, got about 20m up it and had to have a smoke break, it was tough, plus the snow made the going even tougher. we managed to get it another 15m before the back up guys arrived and helped us drag it out, then we tied it to the back of the lada and dragged it to the rv point for the hunt, a local farm.



(time for a smoke break)


(i dont need a smoke break... ok maybe i do too...)


(boar minus its bits - needs removed as soon as its shot to prevent meat spoiling)


(tough going through the snow)


Once we got to the farm I was ecstatic we got a boar. ok I didn’t pull the trigger, but there was only 2 boars shot that day out of 30 hunters; the other one was only 2/3’s the size of ours; plus id proved the old guys wrong by not messing up and scaring the boar away. so ive been told i can go out hunting with them anytime im over, and then they broke out the bottles of vodka... after 7 shots i had to stop :/ by then the boars had been butchered; everyone who was there got an equal share of the meat, me included :lol:


so thats the story, bit long winded, but i hope you enjoyed it. im going back in august to go duck hunting, ill hopefully have my own gun with me then so should be fun. only thing is i went after crows last saturday and it just wasnt the same; i miss the adrenaline kick.... :lol:

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Bout time young Mr.Babby :hmm: Was beginning think you were blowing smoke up our **** :P I am glad to see you got your pig.. Was a great story too :beer: Next time make some Boar pizza.. It shall be the best Pizza you ever had :P


now now, i wouldnt do that :P


ps - theres still a 2 kg lump of boar meat in my freezer, i was looking an idea for it so boar pizza might be made soon... :good:


:good: Good story that mate :yes: but sounds like the russians are a bit rude :P

or may be thats how it is :P


the guys that were kicking up the fuss were the rich guys - wearing real tree, carrying top of the range rifles and shotguns, driving brand new landcruisers, etc; im not sure how much was old men having a moan, how much was the fact i was from the uk, and how much was due to the fact i hadnt all the proper paperwork; it was quite intimidating standing there hearing them arguing about me, and my suggestion to katya about how to prove my shooting abilities (with her brothers sks and the tyres on the landcruisers) didnt go down well either... but its funny how the guys wearing the old camo jackets and carrying the ancient shotguns had no problem with me, they all wanted to know what type of gun i used at home, how i liked their country, etc. when we got back to the camp it was the 2nd set of guys who got stuck into gutting the boar, handing out the vodka (cooking the boar liver over a fire too) and wanting to borrow my knife (called a fat "*******" folding knife, look it up); the rich guys sat in their landcruisers drinking coffee with the heat going waiting for their share of the meat before going home! :good:

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cor blimey, what an adventure. That porker was a monster, bet you're glad you wern't holding your 10/22. Not sure if the feo would pass it :o


:o i can imagine that; even with the 50 round drum mag id be looking for a big stick instead; to tell the truth, sergei showed me how thick the skin and fat is when he butchered the boar, even with an o/u i wouldve been hard pressed. i think ill take the mossberg for boar next time, i could buy an extended mag tube when im over there and leave it there, a 10 shot pump sounds better than a 10/22.... :D


Great write up Babby, I have a hard time going up the farm from the wife let alone bloody boar hunting :hmm::good: :o


ah but you see ive kinda fell on my feet here; katya's whole family hunt or fish, her brother goes hunting every weekend, so i cop no flak from her no matter how much i go :wacko:


roll on august, im just itching to have a go at some russian birds with my 3 shot.... i mean ducks with my benelli! :o

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:o i can imagine that; even with the 50 round drum mag id be looking for a big stick instead; to tell the truth, sergei showed me how thick the skin and fat is when he butchered the boar, even with an o/u i wouldve been hard pressed. i think ill take the mossberg for boar next time, i could buy an extended mag tube when im over there and leave it there, a 10 shot pump sounds better than a 10/22.... :o




ah but you see ive kinda fell on my feet here; katya's whole family hunt or fish, her brother goes hunting every weekend, so i cop no flak from her no matter how much i go :o


roll on august, im just itching to have a go at some russian birds with my 3 shot.... i mean ducks with my benelli! :o


There is nothing better than dragging a large critter out of the woods and showing off a bit to little wifey.. Pound on your chest and say, "Me man!!" and she will roll her eyes :good: Take lots of pictures mate and keep the tradition of hunting alive with your family.. My kids would sit up at night and listen to my hunting stories.. Of course i did embellish a wee bit :hmm:

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There is nothing better than dragging a large critter out of the woods and showing off a bit to little wifey.. Pound on your chest and say, "Me man!!" and she will roll her eyes :good: Take lots of pictures mate and keep the tradition of hunting alive with your family.. My kids would sit up at night and listen to my hunting stories.. Of course i did embellish a wee bit :hmm:


i agree, except she was the one taking all the pics of the boar, so we didnt have time to drag it out and recover enough to look nonchalant - she saw all the blood, sweat and curse words :o


at least i know shes not squemish - in the pic i said about the boars bits being cut off? well they needed to be carried out, and sergei and i had our hands full with the boar itself.... so guess who got handed them? along with a comment along the lines "i know theyre smaller than your used to dear, so dont lose them" :o

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i agree, except she was the one taking all the pics of the boar, so we didnt have time to drag it out and recover enough to look nonchalant - she saw all the blood, sweat and curse words :o


at least i know shes not squemish - in the pic i said about the boars bits being cut off? well they needed to be carried out, and sergei and i had our hands full with the boar itself.... so guess who got handed them? along with a comment along the lines "i know theyre smaller than your used to dear, so dont lose them" :good:


Nice :hmm: I have that same affliction :o

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Nice :hmm: I have that same affliction :good:


i know, sometimes its a real pain, getting trousers to fit... :o :o :o


one thing i wondered though, and you can probly tell me, that boar didnt have very big tusks; sergei said something about being a big boar but having small tusks, but sometimes the biggest tusks are on the smaller ones? why would that be?


ps they hit the same area of forest the next weekend after id been there, everyone was out from early in the morning this time; on the saturday they got 5 boar, and on the sunday they got 10! it wouldve been 11 but sergei's sks misfired - told him he needed to clean it.... :o



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i know, sometimes its a real pain, getting trousers to fit... :good: :o :o


one thing i wondered though, and you can probly tell me, that boar didnt have very big tusks; sergei said something about being a big boar but having small tusks, but sometimes the biggest tusks are on the smaller ones? why would that be?


ps they hit the same area of forest the next weekend after id been there, everyone was out from early in the morning this time; on the saturday they got 5 boar, and on the sunday they got 10! it wouldve been 11 but sergei's sks misfired - told him he needed to clean it.... :o




That is why i must wear Lee CARGO pants :hmm: About the Boar Tusks.. There are several determining factors.. The genetics of the pig? Poor gene pool? A family tree with few forks perhaps? The same reasons some bucks have basket racks while other are broader and thicker? The tusk is smaller on a larger tusker as he has worn it down through rooting, but that is not always the case either? Go back to genetics and perhaps that pig's parents were escapee's and not all the wild blood line has washed through at the time of being shot

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That is why i must wear Lee CARGO pants :hmm: About the Boar Tusks.. There are several determining factors.. The genetics of the pig? Poor gene pool? A family tree with few forks perhaps? The same reasons some bucks have basket racks while other are broader and thicker? The tusk is smaller on a larger tusker as he has worn it down through rooting, but that is not always the case either? Go back to genetics and perhaps that pig's parents were escapee's and not all the wild blood line has washed through at the time of being shot


right, never thought of the rooting. i dont think theres too many boar that are escapees in that area, they mostly filter through from russia, you can tell by the red stars on their ears.... :good:

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