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What`s better than a roast woodcock ??

henry d

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I never knew you are supposed to eat the innards. What about the excrement left in the digestive canal?


The woodcock evacuates as it lifts off and is mainly empty, however as it eats worms and other invertibrates, it makes any that might happen to be inside it, just part of the pate :wacko:



........I`m still not selling this well am I :blink:

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Better than woodcock?


Well woodcok may be excellent on the plate but two which are better IMO are roasted young grey partridge and roasted teal . Golden plover is as good if not better than woodcock.


I would say the Teal would be equal, as would a young Grouse and I haven`t had a Golden Plover, but imagine it would be in the same ball park.

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I have shot Woodcock for 35 years plus now, no matter how I try them, I just do not like them. I wish I did because unless I have some one that is going to eat them I do not shoot them. I have one mate that loves them and he will take a brace or more usually a single bird off me now and again.


But to me I think you would have to go a long way to beat a roast Teal followed very closly by Grouse.



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i had a woodcock last night, it was superb. I think what is so good about the bird is that you get two very different but equally delicious aspects to it. If you compare just the meat of a woodcock to that of a grouse, then I think the grouse is slightly better. But you don't get the crunchy livery toast with a teal or grouse.

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