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very sick ferret

shadow mag

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i took my ferret to the vet the other day becouse it was not eating or drinking they kept it in and put it on a drip to rehydrate it. it has been in the vets for three days now i am hopeing to get it back tomorrow. what would be the best thing to feed her. my mate told me i should have just banged her on the head. she is a fighter and wanted to give her any help i can

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First year - during the first year of a jills life they do not go through many changes.




Second year - the breeding season for jills is from March until August. They will come into season the year after they were born. The vulva enlarges and peaks at 30 days. The jill is in 'estrus'. Jills are 'induced ovulators' which means that if they are not mated she will remain in season. This can have serious even fatal consequences. She is liable to infection due to the enlarged vulva and due to the continued production of estrogen in her body can lead to bone marrow depression which leads to a form of anemia (aplastic anemia). She will have a slight musky odour during her season.


It is imperative that jills are not left in season.





read for your self mate,youll have all sorts of advice otherwise. :no:

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I have ferrets, and i was told from an experienced keeper, you have 3 options with Jills,


Get her Spayed

Jill jab (yearly)

Mate her with a vacetamized Hob,

If you are wishing to breed from her then non of the above

I had my jill spayed as we had no intentions of breeding from her and it cuts down on health risks

Correct me guys if iam wrong


Hope your ferret is ok

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Female ferret dont have to be bred, but they have to be brought out of season by several methods


jill jab

run with a vasectomised hob

you can breed them but its pointless if you have no homes for them to go to & litters of 10 plus isnt uncommon, times that by the amount of jills you have & its hell of a lot of kits to find homes for

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Female ferret dont have to be bred, but they have to be brought out of season by several methods


jill jab

run with a vasectomised hob

you can breed them but its pointless if you have no homes for them to go to & litters of 10 plus isnt uncommon, times that by the amount of jills you have & its hell of a lot of kits to find homes for

don't forget the old cottonbud method!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Ok to who ever thinks jills should be left in season... if you dont get her outa season then she will get weaker and weaker and is highly likely to get a infection! and if the hutch is dirty then shes at more risk!! so when a jill comes in season from january and through the summer months useally twice it is best to spay her before the season or use a vasectomised hob or ge a ''jill jab'' any decent ferret owner will no this .


Edited by Ferretertom
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