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Flike from Aberdeenshire !!!


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Hi Folks,


Just thought i would say hello from Aberdeenshire,anyone else on here from my area.


I've really found the bug after going clay pidgeon shooting for 3 months now,so i am wanting to get my licence and go after the Doo's .


A few quick Q's


Can i keep my gun in my loft fixed to a brick wall :wacko:


Is it best to get my gun cabinet installed prior to the vist from my FEO ??


Can you use a cabinet with a built in ammo safe :blink:


Should i test the water asking farmers ,land owners to see how easy it is or hard it is to use there land before even applying for my licence,don't really want to spend a heap off money if i can't shoot anywhere.





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Should you ask farmers before getting the equipment, my advice would be no unless you know them well.

Altough I have regular ground most of it has been obtained by never asking for shooting permission as such but by watching the birds do damage and asking for a morning or a day only as many farmers have people who already shoot their ground. As I say asking for the day only, releases the farmer from giving ongoing permission to a stranger.

I always return, thank the farmer and hopefully show him a good bag, it is only then I ask if I can return should the situation be similar. If all goes well a relationship can be built leading to me being a regular.

When out watching the birds I try to let the farmer see me doing my recce without disturbing him.

I also think that turning up in a car can be a turn off so I bought an old Landy which I think adds credibility to the seriousness of my pursuit.


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