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i think it depends on how much the rabbits have been lamped as to how effective filters are.as for rabbits seeing infra red lights i dont know what sort alphamule is using,i think he is getting confused with the glow from the eyepiece of nightvision optics,as infra red isnt visible to the naked eye.maybe the rabbits have cascade tube prosthetics or something

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Going lamping later i think, might try the film exept does it not melt? infrared is as i understand invisable to most mammals, or less visable, as ultra violet is to man. I dont think you get infrared from a red filter, although i am not sure at all. I use proper infrared bulbs as heat lamps for young lambs and calves suffering from pneumonia, and they have very little light and lots of heat!



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i dont know about infra red filters but dedicated infra red torches for night vision set ups give off no visible light whatsoever.i think the infra red bulbs used for young stock operate at the near visible end of the infra red part of the spectrum.most fires give of infra red in the form of heat

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theres one site i shoot that i dont use filters on its open with no cover i walk into the wind with gun up to shoulder light right onto them (rabbits) to cover my out line i find they only hop away a little bit and i can get to about 20 25 yards and can take about two or three this way.

other times i shoot from van as they are used to this with red or amber never liked green.

but the best way is with two of you one on the lamp no filter then when one runs you put the lamp just in front of it and it will stop for the other to get a shot off this is in a van not on foot as i think the outline of you will send them off.



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dont use roses wrappers they are ****, they are made of this biodegradable ****, try chewing one it tastes like **** but it turns to mush and i hate the stuff, go to maplins and get a pack off coloured gel caps i brought a few i use them for lamping, they are about £3 for a pack of about 6 great investment as they are strong and they are heat resistent post pictures of your lamp though mate im interested...

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Infra red emitters give off a faint red glow from the emitter. At night put your hand in front of one and you will see the the red glow. Out at distance you can see the red glow when looking directly at the emitter but when you lokk at what the emitter is directed at with the naked eye you cant see anything.





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I use these and they fit great under the bezel of my 12v lamp they are just under 4 1/2" across



haha they are good, i love maplins, but really mate DO NOT use the roses wrapeprs they are naff, the gels with work much better...... or build an LED lamping kit i was thinking of trying it, im going to make a special one for the car, (if i get the chance to go with my cousin) we lamp from the car, and he cant always keep a steady hand, so im going to look at creating a special lamping kit that you close the door onto to clamp it and then you have a handle to turn the lamp then a dimmer switch for it (looks better in the sketches i have done lol...) i only need the parts now, i have the dimmer switch, i just need to construct the frame...

Edited by mark_mjs93
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Suggest if anyone wants red (or any colour) filter film the best place is a theatre lighting/supply company as they provide the proper film with the whole range of red spectrum colours.


You will have a choice of how much light/infra-red you want - you have to chat this over and use their expertise and the charts that show percentage of each etc.


Best thing is you get a whole sheet for a few quid which should last and heat build-up from any lamp won't melt the film.


I have used this stuff myself and have a sheet from sometime back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One reason red filters are used is the same as why red bulbs are used on boats at night - your eyes can look at a red lit area without having to adjust (imagine turning the light on when you are in bed and being blinded for a minute or so) not so with a red bulb!

also rabbits eyes reflect red light very well and as such glow red in the dark for miles and though you dont need one; a red filter will mean that more of the shone light is reflected back

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