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fitting a butt pad to a stock..............help please !!


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i have a shotgun that needs about a inch adding to the stock, how easy is it to fit a butt pad ? Forget the gunfit topic, i have taken all the necessary dimensions and adding a inch to the stock should do fine...........its the profile of the new one that bothers me most and how you get it to match the stock shape perfectly ?



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i took a saw to my english sidelock a while ago to shorten it a bit.........wish i hadn't i was going to take a piece off and then replace the ebonite pad but nothing seemed to fit, so went strait to my local gunsmith who sorted it for me, he made a beautiful job explaining the stock after fitting a pad has to be re-polished so ill not try again....oh and he charged me about £70 or £80

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Remove the existing pad and cut the stock straight if it is not already, and /or shorten it to the desired length less the pad thickness.


Take the end of the stock and profile it onto paper.


Use spray photo-mount or similar adhesive to put the paper onto the back of the new pad and grind it away with a sander until you are about 1mm short of the profile - remembering that the toe will have an angle on it.


Fix the pad to the gun and mask off the wood up to the pad.


Using a belt sander or linisher carefully profile down the last mm until just hitting the masking.


Remove the pad and masking, and using the linisher or even a hand pad, take of the last few thou. for the perfect shape.


Allow two hours for the job.

Edited by clayman
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