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Army Binoculars


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I don’t remember the make of them but the type I used when serving were top quality, rubber coated with optics second to only a few.


I would have to see a picture to tell you if they were the same, but yeah you will struggle to find a better set of binos. Don’t bother if they are the old steel cased ones, well passed their best now.


Fire a pic up and I'll let you know,


The PM

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I have the The Avimo 7x42, year of production: 1980 but someone has turned it into a monocular by separating the side with the MIL markings.


Strange I know but maybe the one side was badly damaged. It seems to work very well and has been well done so you cant tell without looking hard.

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I have been offered some binoculars namely avimo 7x42.He says they are current issue and the lads in afg and iraq use them now.So has anyone got any experiance of these binos ?


He doesnt want a fortune for them and just wondered if they were worth a punt


used to own a pair of these, if they are the image stabilising ones.

buy em, they are good.

do very good money on the bay.

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Smithy I agree to a point with what you say, but the **** gear that was issued was generally the clothing and Belts kits rather than the optics of binos and weapon sights, I don’t remember any of this being poor quality, but the clothing was the pits. ???


Then there’s the SA80, made by one of the best weapon makers in the world..Heckler & Koch…I never found the British Army to scrimp on the equipment that the lads couldn’t sell..like Tanks, Rifles, Helicopters


The PM


Blackbart, if there in good condition they are worth £100 quid every day :oops: ..They cost the Army over £500 with discount..lol

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When the SA80 first came out I was in a ditch with some other guys firing blanks. We had the SA80 for about a week and when I fired a blank the cocking **** shot of the rifle and hit my mates on the **** at a great rate of knots. We laughed for a week :good: because it left a bruise that looked like a ten inch bulls eye on his buttock. The rifle was really pants until they reworked it. It fell to bits and jammed constantly

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  • 2 weeks later...
When the SA80 first came out I was in a ditch with some other guys firing blanks. We had the SA80 for about a week and when I fired a blank the cocking **** shot of the rifle and hit my mates on the **** at a great rate of knots. We laughed for a week :( because it left a bruise that looked like a ten inch bulls eye on his buttock. The rifle was really pants until they reworked it. It fell to bits and jammed constantly



Hold on............did you just say you were in a bitch with some other guys firing blanks.........


the **** came off in your mates hand and went right up his ars e.


You did what with his buttocks..................with a ten inch.



You must have been infantry.....................

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The Binos in question are L12 they are Ok and worth over £100 but as stated by some one else the Old No 2 Binos from the second world war are actualy opticaly better if in good nick but to be honest most of them still in circulation are in bad order. The No 5 Binos are probably best of the lot of the old conventional Issue binos but they could probably bring on a sliped disk they are so big and heavy.


In short if they are legit and for £100 or less they are worth the money. Dont touch them if they are misapropriated Mill equipment you could end up with your pants down being interigated by some SAS type in Guantanamo Bay!!



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