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Anyone seen the special resolution in PULL this month?

Peter De La Mare

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I don't get this, would someone like to explain it in simple mans terms.


The way I read it the board of the CPSA do not want Boakes to be able to sit on the board and take part in any vote. WHY?


Boakes is an idiot, it is plain to see that. But why not just remove him as CEO? Or would that end up costing us as members too much money?

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What's your prediction on the voting?


1. For

2. Against

3. total votes cast


We should have an official sweepstake?


1. 226

2. 97

3. 313


The only thing for certain is that not a lot will change, whoever is in the "hot seat" of CEO is on a hiding to nothing, you simply can't please all of the shooters all of the time.


We were promised a "new era" when Terry Bobbet was voted in as Chairman a year ago, but I see no evidence of anything changing for the better.



Edited by Catamong
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According to my shooting pals that would need an emergancy general meeting.

The people calling it would have to pay over £1000 to do it.

If they win they will get thier money back.

I have spoken so many people about this and they are hopping mad about the bias the CPSA have shown toward Kevin Walsh.

If the balance of power was shifted in the favour of people like ****** ***** and the chairman Terry Bobbett, along with Kevin Walsh's rival this year Graham Walker there would be a better control over Phil Boakes.

As it is there are too many Boakes supporters on the board, with Boakes having a vote on topics concerning himself surely there is a big conflict of interest?

I am going to the AGM with a few other shooters I know. I might be a girl but I can hold my own in a verbal battle.



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You don't get this perpetual infighting in BASC - well there might be, it's just not in the shooting press and all over the internet.


Same old same old in the CPSA.


I take Bagsy's point about "energy". Seems like lots of energy and resources go into this never ending nonsense.







Edited by Jazzie
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Is this not a bit too much information on someone who hasnt used any of his profesional muscle to help "the cause"?

I wouldnt like my details spread all over a shooting forum even if I were a well known shooter.

I wonder who's side you are on?




It's not difficult to find Mr. Vere-Hodge. Google finds him very easily.

Edited by Axe
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1. 226

2. 97

3. 313


The only thing for certain is that not a lot will change, whoever is in the "hot seat" of CEO is on a hiding to nothing, you simply can't please all of the shooters all of the time.


We were promised a "new era" when Terry Bobbet was voted in as Chairman a year ago, but I see no evidence of anything changing for the better.





Back to school for the catmeister,


226 + 97 is not or ever has been 313. It is 323.


Go and stand in the corner with a big pointy hat on sporting a large capital "D"

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Is this not a bit too much information on someone who hasnt used any of his profesional muscle to help "the cause"?

I wouldnt like my details spread all over a shooting forum even if I were a well known shooter.

I wonder who's side you are on?







I put his name (as he has given it and as it appears) into Google.


You clearly have all sorts of agendas at work here, so run along whoever you are.

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The CPSA seems to be the extension of a large school playground. You have various gangs and ring leaders etc. Of a CPSA playground of say 20,000 pupils there are but one or two gangs who are vying for the power and control of the school playground at anyone time. These gangs comprise of approximately 350 people, if you take Cat's figures.


One gang will vote for their “guvnor†and the other theirs. And so it goes on, and this leads us to this week’s crisis and required special resolution being…….. <yawns>


And so now everyone in each of the two gangs is now phoning round everyone they know who carries a CPSA card to extract a proxy vote. All the mischief makers are out and anyone who has nothing else to do and who loves a bit of excitement in their dreary lives is out there getting involved and talking up the excitement of it all.


As much as it pains me, Catamong is 100% right on this. This is the clay “pigeon†vs. “target†thing all over again but far less important as a legacy i.e. the pigeon vs. target issue had a meaning. I got off my backside and voted for “pigeon†and then was completely amazed to see how fewer people voted.


It made me think……..


300 people out of the 20,000+ members voted. Thus, the real way to look at it is that 98% of CPSA members couldn’t giving a flying ****. Following on, the 2% that voted and won on the issue are actually in a less than 2% minority.


Seems to me that if you can count on say 250 guaranteed CPSA proxy votes at any one time (and allowing for the odd mop up vote of people who may agree and vote with you) then you can control a 20,000+ member organisation.


Worrying eh?


Me, no longer a member and not that interested / bothered about this weeks special resolution / meltdown / Watergate moment. It still has nothing to do with and no effect on the majority of clay shooters in the UK :lol:

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I put his name (as he has given it and as it appears) into Google.


You clearly have all sorts of agendas at work here, so run along whoever you are.


:lol: Well said that chap. It did stink a bit political, that first post. Only a CPSA honcho could get that intense about this tedious crepe.


I'm afraid I'm another of the "couldn't give a flying ****" brigade :good:

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Hello Everyone

I'm glad that someone finnaly gave a reply to my question although they never directly answered me but someone else.

As a newbie on here I would have thought that someone would have at least given me a welcome and said hello, never mind.

At least I am clearer about what is going on, especially after reading pull magazine this month.

I am a little confused about the reaction to things on here, one person complains of the cpsa as a playground and people striking an allegiance with one or another leader, have you not just described politics, I presume at some stage in your life you have voted for one democratic organisation or another - whats the difference ?

Another person says that few people ever vote on issues - politics again !!

He goes on to moan about people not voting then finishes off by saying he can't be bothered either, you people should look at what you write, its laughable.

As for the guy who can't even do simple arithmetic, well, and he is probably the clever one on here, something to aspire to I suppose.



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As for the guy who can't even do simple arithmetic, well, and he is probably the clever one on here, something to aspire to I suppose.





Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that's a funny joke. What's your position in the CPSA then? :lol:

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Hello Everyone

I'm glad that someone finnaly gave a reply to my question although they never directly answered me but someone else.

As a newbie on here I would have thought that someone would have at least given me a welcome and said hello, never mind.

At least I am clearer about what is going on, especially after reading pull magazine this month.

I am a little confused about the reaction to things on here, one person complains of the cpsa as a playground and people striking an allegiance with one or another leader, have you not just described politics, I presume at some stage in your life you have voted for one democratic organisation or another - whats the difference ?

Another person says that few people ever vote on issues - politics again !!

He goes on to moan about people not voting then finishes off by saying he can't be bothered either, you people should look at what you write, its laughable.

As for the guy who can't even do simple arithmetic, well, and he is probably the clever one on here, something to aspire to I suppose.





Yeah great.


If anyone wants to change the CPSA then rock on.

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Hello Everyone

I'm glad that someone finnaly gave a reply to my question although they never directly answered me but someone else.

As a newbie on here I would have thought that someone would have at least given me a welcome and said hello, never mind.

At least I am clearer about what is going on, especially after reading pull magazine this month.

I am a little confused about the reaction to things on here, one person complains of the cpsa as a playground and people striking an allegiance with one or another leader, have you not just described politics, I presume at some stage in your life you have voted for one democratic organisation or another - whats the difference ?

Another person says that few people ever vote on issues - politics again !!

He goes on to moan about people not voting then finishes off by saying he can't be bothered either, you people should look at what you write, its laughable.

As for the guy who can't even do simple arithmetic, well, and he is probably the clever one on here, something to aspire to I suppose.




You can always leave, the door is on your left.


As a newbie on here I would have thought the best way to fit in would be to get to know people and their views instead of attacking them for not giving you personal treatment. Still what do I know? If the one who can't add up is the clever one :lol:


No one has answered my question either but as I am also in the "Couldn't give a flying **** about it" brigade. I do not understand what the fuss is about or why this special resolution has been proposed.


It would be nice though if you are a member of the CPSA staff then you could say who you are as David BASC has.


Although you are probably just one of those Troll things

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There'll be a newbie sign up and join this thread later today, called something like PoxyProxyWelshWalsh :lol:


He'll be opening his account with a sort of chummy, all chaps together enquiring thread about what he overheard at his local haybale shoot in Much Slashing-in-the-Marsh.


His real purpose will be to infiltrate the proles to find out what's going daaaaarn on the graaaaaarnd :ermm:


Big Bruvver is watching you, stand by your beds :good:


We've had the vanguard, Jazzy Ming and Iffy Smiffy :hmm:

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You are very much mistaken, no one from the CPSA is bothered in the slightest or actually cares what the riff raff think. As long as the riff raff keep paying their money to keep the numpties in their ivory towers and their Jags.


As Mungler has popinted out quite correctly the CPSA do nothing for the average club shooter in this country apart from make their wallets lighter.


Not only do they do nothing they are not interested in the club shooter.

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You are very much mistaken, no one from the CPSA is bothered in the slightest or actually cares what the riff raff think. As long as the riff raff keep paying their money to keep the numpties in their ivory towers and their Jags.


As Mungler has popinted out quite correctly the CPSA do nothing for the average club shooter in this country apart from make their wallets lighter.


Not only do they do nothing they are not interested in the club shooter.


But they gave me a badge :lol:

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I don't see why the core issue is being nibbled at round the edges. If the CEO is not what is wanted or required then bin him and vice versa the Board.


But as Cat has said, whatever and whoever replaces the current lot will be on the receiving end of it once the honeymoon period is over. History repeats and all that.


It is much the same as governments. All governments are much of a muchness - can anyone say that one government is better than another? When the Torys outstayed their welcome everyone greeted Blair with open arms. Now labour have outstayed their welcome and it's back to the Tories.


The only way you get massive complete and total change is with some sort of revolution where the ills / legacy of the previous administration can be totally undone.


I reckon the CPSA should look at a merger with a much larger more stable organisation. Now there's an idea.

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Sorry for being a little brash but as I said I felt ignored, I thought fine way to treat a newbie.

Sorry to dissapoint you but I am not a member of the cpsa staff, why you would think I would come on here and ask questions that shows myself and staff in a bad light if I was a member of staff is a little strange.

All I was trying to do was find out about what the resolution is all about, thats all, if nobody knows or does not want to tell me fine, I just thought you guys might be able to give me an unbiased answer as their is not much point asking cpsa honcho's as they are against it or the people that brought up this resolution as of course they are for it.

Sorry if we got off on the wrong foot.


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Ah yes, but if they are that keen on preserving a power base amongst an elite few members, surely this is the last thing they will do? That sort of merger would make a lot of sense, to me at least, but if you were CEO or Lord Bishop or something, you would lose that position to the larger organisation.


From my point of view, joining the CPSA is something I would do only if I wanted to shoot normal comps and get my name in the classed shots directory. But... I'm not good enough for that yet and I can get my score by doing birds only, so I am not fussed. As for insurance, I use BASC for my rough shooting and that covers me just fine. I therefore have no reason or desire to join CPSA.

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