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If i have come across as racist in this topic then i apologise for this misconception. I refer back to one of my earlier posts to say that as long as people work & pay taxes no matter what colour or creed i have no problem with them being in my Britain. It's the scrounging, idle, dole-ites (whites included) that boil my blood & the cherry on the cake is the likes of that one eyed *** who spouts hate at every turn yet is happy to take the handouts and milk the system dry!!! IMHO the BNP will force some issues thru that are long overdue, i don't agree with them all but i for one are getting fed up with being a 2nd class citizen in this country i love so much :good:;)

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Idont think any of us will allow the like's of the nazi again Babby :good:;)

stag :hmm:




If i have come across as racist in this topic then i apologise for this misconception. I refer back to one of my earlier posts to say that as long as people work & pay taxes no matter what colour or creed i have no problem with them being in my Britain. It's the scrounging, idle, dole-ites (whites included) that boil my blood & the cherry on the cake is the likes of that one eyed *** who spouts hate at every turn yet is happy to take the handouts and milk the system dry!!! IMHO the BNP will force some issues thru that are long overdue, i don't agree with them all but i for one are getting fed up with being a 2nd class citizen in this country i love so much :lol::lol:


you havnt come across as racist to me (though i havnt read every post) so i hope you dont think i was calling you one by mentioning nazi's :lol:


no what i meant was theres alot of things in there reminds me of hitlers ideas - healthy lifestyle, self sufficiency, national service. now this will turn a few heads, but some of them are pretty good, i even thought that when i studied hitler (apart from the concentration camp idea. that didnt work so well... :lol:), but its one of these things, the ideas start off small and good but what can they turn into... :yes:

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Iam a B.N.P activist but i still have Aisian friend's Polish,Lat's and Russian and they all want a better Britain,but there are a lot of creamer's.In a part of London we have a indian councilor,raceist i dont think so :/ :blink: :wacko: :unsure:

stag :D

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Iam a B.N.P activist


dont like the wording on the ni bit though, sounds like the bnp have forgotten were still british... :unsure:


:wacko: :blink: :D


edit - meant to ask can you explain that one to me stag (as your an activist for them)

Edited by babbyc1000
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we all have our virtues and vices some agreed with & some not.why not all stand by our beleifs be it religion /politics/or whatever else because after all we live in britain and all have the same oppinion (love ur country) and the reality is its gone toooooo far we cant pull it back drasticaly now so lets make the best out of the worst weve got and get on with life. love and care for our families. :unsure:

Edited by ROBLATCH
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"what's wrong with looking after your own first."


Your own? White people? British Nationals, remember there are lots of 3rd Gen ethnic minorities.



Yeah 3rd generation ethnic people who STILL insist on Sharia law and muslim language over English :unsure:


Its CLEAR to see they never intend to integrate.


As stated in other replies they are a sleeping army (troy) springs to mind. They will simply wait till there are Muslim people in places of HIGH authority (MP'S) etc and eventually one WILL get into No 10 and you can then kiss goodbye to the UK you know today.


The average caucasion family have 2.5 kids

the average Muslim family go WAY beyond this. I SERIOUSLY believe in 40 years My Son will be in the minority in his own homeland and I find that a worrying concept and unacceptable so personally I shall be voting for



Edited by Lord Geordie
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never voted in my life 47 yr old but i think its time to start ,at christmas my daughter took my grandson to see santa in bradford main market as she as done 2yrs previous only to be told santa wasent going to be there this year as it offends the muslims BNP is getting my vote :unsure:



You should start thinking about moving from the Brdaford area now. I have a few cousins that were born and bred in Bradford but now have moved out area. They don't even want a BD postcode. Nuff said


Well apart from a a sister I have that still lives over there. She knows my views on the vermin city that why I haven't been to visit the slumdogs in over 5 years



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