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Big Vixen met the 243


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Alrite lads, :lol: Decided to go out and have a look about lastnite with the cannon and try and have a fox or two up on my uncles farm as he's nearly ready to start lambing :lol: But its one of those farms where the foxes are always one step ahead and cagey even though no-one else goes up there with a rifle they must get lamp activity on the neighbouring farms. :lol: We arrived about 9pm and had a quick shine with the lamp but nothing :lol: so we moved to a good vantage point to have a good call but after 30minutes of calling and scanning with the lamp we decided enough was enough as it was ******* freezing up on the mounting top :lol: We headed back to the truck and had one last check with the lamp but nothing and off we went :/ I was halfway home when i thought of checking another one of my permissions whitch i haven't been for over a year :yes: We pulled into the yard of the farm and the foxes normally show up in the field infront of the farm yard quick shine just sheep and new lambs :) so we drove around the back of the yard down a ruff track into a valley looking back to the sheep field quick scan and there was the unmistakable glowing eyes of charlie blinking back at us must have been waiting for a chance at a young lamb :lol::/ the only problem was the rifle was in the back of the truck in the slip unloaded :/ so i switched the landy off crept to the back opened the door super stealth :lol::lol::lol: and took the rifle and chambered a round as quick as possible trying not to make any metallic noise as the bolt locked home i told the lamper to light it up and scoped it :lol: There she was sitting looking back at us at 150 to 160 mark i flicked the safety off and she started to trot off must have been getting sun burned off the power of the blitz :D one quick squeek she stopped broad side and i sent her a 58 grain hornady tip straight through the engine room she shot up in the air about 3 foot and tried biting the bullet exit wound :( and then dropped stone dead when i went out to pick up the fox it was a very large vixen in mint condition so a good end to the night considering the moon was so bright :D


Edited by redthunder
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