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How smart are pigeons?


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I have been spending the last few evenings before it goes dark sitting at the top of my field waiting for the pigeons. I have been noticing that not as many pigeons are flying over me , will they learn that their current flight path is dangerous and make a new route? Or is there any other reason? :thumbs:


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How well hidden are you ?


If you aren't already doing this, you should make sure that your face is covered up well :thumbs: - balaclava or scrim will do nicely - and that you are wearing gloves too - your hands are almost as big as your face -


See other posts - keeping still until the last minute, standing with a tree behind you - if you are ambushing a normal flight line the pigeons will spot you unless you are very well camouflaged.


Good luck & keep it up.

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The answer to your Topic Starter Heading is " Alot smarter than you think"!!! :D


Recent research led by Enriche Jarvis and his team of 29 neuroscientist, have found that the avian brain, closely focusing on the pigeon is far more advanced than originally thought. In fact pigeons have been proven to distinguish between 'Monet' and 'Piccasso', and indeed cubism and impresionism.


Their reseaerch has also proven that pigeons have individually evolved brains, and congnitive abilities comparable to mammals!!! :thumbs:



Paul in North Lincs.

Edited by Paul in North Lincs.
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Any bird that can find its way back from France over the channel in wind, rain, fog or darkness to a postage stamp sized piece of England as efficient as any satelitte aided tracking device is more than a match in the intelect stakes for your average hunter. :thumbs: :D



Surely the fact that it wants to come here has to make you doubt it's ability for rational thinking, after all it can't claim all the benefits that it's humam migratory counterparts can and live off the backs of the working people of this once great country :/


Mind you I suppopse they get to eat a bit of rape here and there :lol:

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