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is there a pigeon season?


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as has been mentioned above pigeons can be shot all year round and the best times to shoot them are after the spring drillings right through to the end of summer on the stubble. Although once the crops get high it can be difficult until they get laid over in the wind or rain, but low crops like peas can be shot over right till their harvested. My most productive times have been over laid cereal crops or stubbles where you can pick up 100+ bags easily, (assuming the birds are in the area!)

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FINALLY, i have been looking for this link for a long time lol. This will help you knowing where the pigeons will be eating. But it isnt that great as they miss out some things like clover, which they are on now. They loveeee clover lol :good:.






Just through it would help lol.:good:

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There is no season as such as they are classed as vermin. ;) /quote]


No, they're not "vermin", do NOT rank the noble Woodie alongside Cockroaches, Rats & Slugs as "Vermin". :innocent:;);)


They are officially a " Pest Species", no experienced shooter would call them "Vermin".



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