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My Lads first fox


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We were out on a pest control permission when we arived at 12am there were 2 rabbits sat by a big clump of daffodils at about 60yds and we are zeroed at 1/2" at 40 so my son put the second mil dot the biggest one through the night vision and dropped him with a 22lr sub in the chest, then we headed round an access road till we got to the lake, wich sepperates the gardens from a golf course.


We were scanning and there is one particular rabbit that is the size of a jack russel and is very very wise (but we will get him one day :bye2: ) so he ran off but seems to come back out every 20 minutes or so. So we set up camp approximately 60yds away from the bench he likes to sit under :D . And I started to tell my son what to do if we see a fox, and where to shoot ect....so anyway we were talking and he thinks time for another scan, and guess what?


Yep you guessed it, a pair of eyes shinning back at him through the scope, Mr fox was about 40yds away at this point and sat up, but not on all fours, my son started doing his squealing rabbit inpression and then the fox stalking down the hedge towards us, then at 30yds stopped, he stopped for a split second and then he ran off into the center of the lawn, my son started the rabbit squealing again and at 40yds the fox turned side on and WACK,a sub was placed high on his shoulder and he went down, those 22lr winchester subs hit with a hard smack, he dropped to the shot, and there was pink blood in his mouth when we got there, so I think the bullet hit his lungs.






sorry for the second image as it is a bit blurry.


There we go my lads first fox :yes: :( im well happy and proud :lol: :(


p.s. He was left over night in a black bag so his fur was a bit stuck together.



Edited by stevethevanman
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