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ebay watched items


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I logged on last night to my ebay account, as you do, and found I was watching around 20 different items. Four of them I knew about, the rest were for sex toys and self pleasuring devices. I even had a notice to tell me I'd been outbid on a Borat thong!!!!!!!!


And yes, I've asked my wife if she know's anything of it and assures e she doesn't.


Anyone else had this happen??


I've since removed all my card details from Paypal just in case.



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Had a similar thing a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't log onto my account all day, then recieved a message from Ebay to say my account had been suspended as it had been hacked and listings for childrens clothes made. Listing fees were refunded and the account reactivated but I closed it anyway for securitys sake- and lost 100% feedback on 140 transactions.


Personally I think the Ebay computer system just screwed up, as to operate an account you need not only the account password but the email password as well, a real hacker would probably do more with that information than list a few pairs of baby socks.

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hacking into peoples ebay account is simplicity itself-theres even full details of how to do it on you-tube.Only thing you can do is tell ebay as soon as you notice anything odd-dont bother trying to change your password cos it can be obtained in seconds (they have already probably changed it to prevent access).You might also like to inform your isp.

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have you used an internet cafe recently ? a computer at work ? or left your laptop etc. on and left it for a short period ? if you don`t log out of ebay each time you finish then the next person to use that computer will be logged straight into your account . the items that have been stored in your watched items and even bid on sound as if someone is having a bit of a giggle .

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