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After a lot of reading other members posts on smoking meat / fish etc,

i decided to make a smoker.

got a 40 gallon oil drum ,

cut a 12 inch square door , added hinges and a latch.

drilled holes in the bottom , just a few mind.

made air vents on the sides.

converted a metal bucket to my charcoal bucket,

welded a shelf about a third of the way up.

metal dustbin lid fits a treat.

used a grill basket from B & Q to put my meat in.


cooking the pigeon breasts.

soak in a salt water brine over night.

soaked my hickory woodchips for an hour before i needed them.

got my charcoal alight in the bucket.

got the heat up inside the smoker for about half an hour,

( checked the temperature , was about 140 degrees.)

chucked in a good handful of wet woodchips.

fixed the lid on , and left for 45 minutes.


come out bloody gorgeous , will never eat bbq pigeon again.

you lot must try it.




cant put pictures on here will try to put them in the sporting pictures.

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Sounds good, a good old UDS :good: (Ugly Drum Smoker) they work really well.


I have some plans somewhere and will dig them out for the guys that are thinking about building one.


Wood wise there are loads of different ones you can use:





Oak (I have some chips made out of old Jack Daniels barrels mmm)






Just make sure if you use lofs that they have been seasoned.


I normally soak the chips for an hour or so and then wrap them in foil and put a couple of small hols in it for the smoke to filter out, when smoking you only need to be able to smell the wood smoke not see any more than a thin whisp, if you see lots it can turn the meat bitter as creasote builds up.



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i take my soaked woodchips but i put them onto a large rectangel of kitchen foil and and then make into a loose envelope and then put 2 holes into top with cocktail stick ..then i throw this foil enevelope directly ontop o the coals/charcoal..


dunnoe if im wrong doing this but the introductory smoker book i have said this prolonged the smoke and made a little go a long way so to speak..






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