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How Easy should it be to pull a bore snake through a hmr?

Evil Elvis

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Just grab it and pull. I doubt very much that you'll snap it, but it is quite hard especially with a new snake. After a few pulls it will get a little easier. Try spraying some light oil (napier or similar) on the snake in front of the wire brush. That makes it run through a little more smoothly and the rear section takes all the oil out again so you've got no worries about leaving a residue in the barrel.


I rodded mine out today with copper solvent. No copper to be seen, just powder residue. Yet again I've come to the conclusion that HMRs don't foul badly and a bore snake should be fine for cleaning. You've obviously just got fairy soft hands. Try wearing a glove and wrapping the cord around your hand a few times to help with grip. :good:

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You've obviously just got fairy soft hands.


Youre avin a girafe!!!!!!! I was my hands in excess of 100 Times a day....theyre like old boot leather.............. :good:


Thanks for the tips.


Do you re-zero after cleaning? I used it straight after cleaning it and managed a couple of foxes ok, but they were at fairly close ranges.

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I found puuling the boresnake thru my 12g very difficult the first few times, but as the snake got worn in/out it became easier, my be down to more lubricants on the snake.

I also use'd to use a piece of wood to wrap the string around until it got easier.


I assume it's the same deal for your hmr



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I bought a bore snake for my 17 Remington when they first came out. I have them in .223 and .243 as well. The 17 is far and away the hardest to pull through and to be honest I no longer use it. I think they are too large for the 17 calibre. Get yourself a good rod and bore guide it will be a lot better.

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