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what would be the best fast growing one for a 4 year old to plant and tend,

the little lady is pestering me to grow carrots, i need something faster growing and edible


try cress and mustard seed on paper towel in a saucer keep it damp, warm light place (window sill) :good:

Bingo 3 or 4 days later they start sprouting, watch em grow by the day.

check a garden centre they might have some sprouting seeds, put them in a jar with damp paper after a few days you've got your own stir fry

I remember whem my first boy was 4 we grew some peas, the look on his face when we split the pods open and the peas popped out.

now he's a lay-about 18 year old, what went wrong :good:

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My greenfingered chum Badshot will be along later no doubt, he,s a dab hand at the "Fruit an Veg" :lol:


:good: D2D.



You know it D2D. :good:


However must own up to the fact that my role is more consultant these days. Think someone suggested something earlier about the better half doing it. BINGO :good:


seriously before i get handed the crown jewels for lunch tomorrow :good:


WE are growing pots ( note the plural not POT )


Tall climbing peas and standard as well




Ten varieties of toms












Purple sprouting














And lots of flowers.


BTW not all in GH have sizeable piece of field planted and a 1945 howard 350 ( after NH TM150 has ploughed and power harrowed it ) which still starts first pull after sitting still for 12 months :lol:


As for 4 year old i agree radish and cress etc good but watch it when eating as can be hot and might put them off.


I let my kids pick runners and eat raw as well as peas as they are sweet and clean already.

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what would be the best fast growing one for a 4 year old to plant and tend,

the little lady is pestering me to grow carrots, i need something faster growing and edible


Some good comments above.... cress for super fast, radishes are good for a fast root and maybe strawberries

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my neighbours kids love helping in the garden and eat everything including the radish.


I also suggest a sunflower for the kids. If I've some extra runnerbeans (depending on germination) you can have the spares if you want. You can bring your little lass and show her the garden. You may get an idea as to what she likes. Strawberries always go down well IMHO



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ive only managed to get some challotes and tatties planted so far this year, some 1st and 2nd earlies, rocket, swift and saxon still got seed for 6 rows of 2nd early nicola and a few rows of lates still to go in cara and king ed, usually just run the rotervator up and down and pop them in but this year its been so dry ive had to dig the whole thing and then smash it with the roto,bloody nightmare, sweet corn is doing nicely in the g/h will plant out in a few days, got the carrot seed ready to plant into 1/2 plastic 50 gallon drums, i dont plant any greens until later so they are ready for winter, i'm not sure if its cheaper than tesco but they're a whole lot nicer



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my neighbours kids love helping in the garden and eat everything including the radish.


I also suggest a sunflower for the kids. If I've some extra runnerbeans (depending on germination) you can have the spares if you want. You can bring your little lass and show her the garden. You may get an idea as to what she likes. Strawberries always go down well IMHO



malk thank for that she would love it

its the granddaughter who lives with me and her mum, my daughter a confirmed man hater or it could be the £30

a week board she pays for the two of them :good::good::good:



















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malk thank for that she would love it

its the granddaughter who lives with me and her mum, my daughter a confirmed man hater or it could be the £30

a week board she pays for the two of them :) :( ;)

















I've had a chat and we have decided that at £30 a week for 2people, we will rent ours out and move in with you. It is a credit crunch beater .... :( :D:yes:

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  • 6 months later...



Still picking tomatos, just picked all the aubergines and the last marrow. Final runner beans yesterday. Still got the Pak Choi growing well. The sprouts are fattening up well and I've just planted my broad beans for next year :blink:


Anyone still growing much with the warm autumn?

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Well I've got a serious confession. Somewhere in my veg patch there are potatoes, onions, leeks and carrots. I can't find them though, I've been doing so much to the house and other structural work in the garden that it's all got out of hand. The only thing that's doing ok is the chilli plant and that's surprising considering how sick it looks. I hardly ever water it! I did dig some spuds and carrots the other day, got stung by a ******* great nettle that was nearly as big as me so I gave up and drove to Sainsburys :hmm:


Next year I'm not going to bother. I can see myself still being too busy. The neighbours are always looking for extra growing space, maybe I'll just let them use it. It had a good dose of muck last winter so that's probably where the weeds came from. I'll get all the major work done and then I'll have more time. I know it sounds silly but even five minutes per week with the hoe is a little too much when there's so much else going on. I'm too lazy to do everything and even my shooting has suffered recently :lol:

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