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Is it worth it?

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New permission and newbie decoyer - be gentle with me :angry: Its about 350 acres but a fair bit of that is grazing, woods or steep gullys and slopes. There are currently only a few places on 3 or 4 large rape fields which are far enough from roads, farm buildings and footpaths to safely shoot over. I had a wander around on Sunday and there were very few pigeons around and those that were seemed to be in the many trees around the place.


On previous recces I think I have spotted a flight line that goes over a shootable spot on the edge of one of the fields. The rape is obviously tall and in full flower, but there are quite big borders on the field edges where the rape is still short and green. I have a day off on Friday, is it worth setting up there?


To be honest even if I don't get much, a day out with the gun is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but what are the chances of me seeing any woodies?

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Hi there,ive been out a few times when nothing seems to be about,then usually get the odd crow and a couple of woodies that are not nessarally coming into my decoys,still enjoy the time out always worth it just to get a few shots off :angry:

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Its allways worth having a go on the grazed areas of the rape . If you have no other crops to shoot over then have a go .The worst thing that can happen is that you could fall a sleep in the hide . Believe me it has happened .

Harnser .

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Its allways worth having a go on the grazed areas of the rape . If you have no other crops to shoot over then have a go .The worst thing that can happen is that you could fall a sleep in the hide . Believe me it has happened .

Harnser .

:angry: Still far better than a day at work, I'll give it a go. Maybe strong black coffee in the thermos rather than Horlicks eh?

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Let us know how you get on ? :no: Good luck.

Not great TBH :) At least in terms of shooting. I started late coz it was pishing down first thing. It drizzled on and off for the rest of the time I was out and was blowing a gale - which showed up some weaknesses in my hide building skills! There were no birds about apart from one - no where near my deeks at which I loosed an optimistic shot in frustration. However on the positive side, I spent a few pleasant hours in the countryside watching buzzards and all sorts of other wildlife (less pigeons) and I wasn't at work :good: . I'm not going to get another chance to shoot for a couple of weeks so was determined to get out and don't regret it even thought the woodies remained unmolested.

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Not great TBH :) At least in terms of shooting. I started late coz it was pishing down first thing. It drizzled on and off for the rest of the time I was out and was blowing a gale - which showed up some weaknesses in my hide building skills! There were no birds about apart from one - no where near my deeks at which I loosed an optimistic shot in frustration. However on the positive side, I spent a few pleasant hours in the countryside watching buzzards and all sorts of other wildlife (less pigeons) and I wasn't at work :no: . I'm not going to get another chance to shoot for a couple of weeks so was determined to get out and don't regret it even thought the woodies remained unmolested.

That's the way, just get out there and enjoy it. :good:

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