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Gutting Rabbits


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I'm a bit sick of gutting rabbits straight after I shoot them and having the fleas jump all over the place - awful little *******.


I want to leave it until the body has cooled so they all leave - how long can you leave a rabbit before you gut it?

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Depends on the time of year.

Spring and Summer when they're on fresh green grass, it gasses up quickly in their stomachs and once that ruptures, the meat is spoiled.

Autumn and Winter on dry grass and lower temperatures youve got a bit longer

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I find it easier to skin them while they are still warm, I gut them when theres abit of a brake in the proceedings, and then just run my fingers round the body so that when I get home all I have to do is the legs



Oh probably don't have to mention this but, don't forget to pee the rabbits

Edited by markb
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I don't bother any more; just lets the flies in. Hang them up till cool, then cut down the spine from the tail (no worries about digging the knife into guts). Peel the skin back each side off the loins & back legs; cut down each side of the vertebrae and across where legs join pelvis; peel the two fillets off the loins to above the front legs. Each back leg will bone out in two chunks (pinch the bone to one side, then the other) avoiding the scent gland at tail base.


Works fine if you have put a .22 hp through the shoulders as the front legs are usually stuffed anyway, and has the advantage of meat with no bones or lead and very compact for the freezer.


Probably not such a good way for shotgun bunnies as the damage wont be so localised and the intestines are likely to be perforated thus leaking to spoil the meat.

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