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OAP shot by police

death from below

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Won't be doing that again will he - still I suppose I haven't been shot by the police lately(or ever in fact) as I don't go around waving guns at people. Sad for everyone concerned - apparently he was depressed over the loss of his wife or similar - possible suicide by cop I reckon, it's all the rage in the States

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if you are refering to the old chap in fernhurst i belive he had his wife hostage as he had been caring for her for years and they wanted to put her in a home which he didnt want.

i dont know much on the subject but it was just down the road so will hopefully find out more of the truth sooner or later. rather then the **** the papers and news will spout out.

Edited by charlie 1
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I hope it was unavoidable and that he was a proper threat after things like the table leg incident.Tragedy.


Harry Stanley - spouted off to people in a public bar that he had a sawn off shotgun in his bag and was going to use it - then raised and pointed the bag at armed police. I would hate to have to make a judgement call in those circumstances - I reckon the armed police must have saw him as a proper threat to shoot him with all the repurcussions such actions would bring.


Sad and the old fella in this latest incident must have been pretty messed up to go pointing guns(if you can believe anything the hacks print)

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Even more so in someones murder.




I can't understand why the old boy was shot if he was alone, as it seems he was. His wife being in hospital. Surely there was a better solution available? After all he'd only been holed up for 3 hours and was hardly a threat to anyone but himself or anyone daft enough to stand in the line of fire. It says his daughter 'raced' to the scene when she was told of the shooting. Why wasn't she called to talk to her dad BEFORE he was shot? I'm sure she could have calmed him down a bit?

However, if he did have a hostage, then he must have known what was coming!

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I agree,an armed poiceman would feel especially bad if they had been made an accomplice to someones suicide.


Would he feel bad?:yes:?:oops:


I doubt it, they are trained to counteract that as far as I am concerned. If you can't cope with it then you should'nt put yourself in a position or the job for that matter that you may have to to pull the trigger I think.

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I could imagine all the training in the world only equips the average man to deal with contingencies - the aftermath of such an event(ie in this example shooting someone dead) is going to hit each person differently - plenty of 'hard nuts' suffer PTSD after a traumatic event - it doesn't make them any less suitable for a high pressure role(such as an armed Officer)

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My brother has just retired as quite a senior policeman.He was a firearms officer for many of them and I feel pretty sure that despite his professionalism he would have felt deep regret at being forced to shoot some old grandad who had goaded him into it.

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