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ive just had new permissions off a farmer to shoot .22 and shotgun and air rifle on his land


he has :







what am i legally allowed to shoot with a .22 ?? am i allowed to shoot foxes with them



he has only signed the permissions for .22 and shotguns and air rifle

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we all have to learn somehow. Leave out the abuse for a bit guys.


For foxes, with a 12bore I would reccomend anything bigger than #1 shot.... AAA or BB would be better, and more than 36grams of it please. Kepp your ranged under 40ish yards and be ready for a runner.


As for the .22:


Expanding ammuniton either has a cavity, soft point or polymer tip over a cavity to force the round to 'mushroom' (open up) on impact so that the maximum amount of energy is transferd.


Subsonic ammunition travels at less that 330 ms-1, so not to 'break the sound barrier' and make a crack. When used with a good moderator and bolt action rifle, the only sound you will hear is lead on vermin.


You should use High Velocity rounds for foxes if your ticket allows you to take them and again, one to the boiler room will do the trick, but keep ranges under 70odd yards and make sure you are ready to send a follow up down range ASAP after you have taken the shot, and it is safe to do so.

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what kind of cardradges would be best ?

i have some 5s

any good ??



and what 22 rounds would be best


expanding or subsonic ?


I think people use subsonics for general purpose 22LR usage, e.g. rabbits, crows ect..however if you go out specificaly for fox then try and get a high velocity round that is accurate in your gun becuase you want as much energy as possible if your taking a fox with a 22LR. Winchester or eley subsonics are a firm favourite :rolleyes::yes:


As for the shotgun then use a heavy weight of shot, about 36-50g should do it :lol: ..and use large pellets, e.g. No.1 or smaller :D ..also do not use steel pellets, they carry less density per pellet so less weight per pellet, becuase of this they do not penetrate as much as lead pellets :lol:



Edited by stevethevanman
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