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Have a farm with some peas as fearly new to the game is it best to set up on the bear paches the farm is a good twenty miles from my home so dont get time just to pop by and observe have to make do with turning up and having a go.


By bare patches you mean eaten away by the pigeons then yes set up on them i would say tho when you get to these fields sit and watch for an hour or so see where there going and coming from it will give you a much better chance !

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January, Oilseed rape Frosted potatoes Sugar beet tops February, Oilseed rape Unharvested brassicas Cover crops Maize March, Oilseed rape Drilled spring cereals Drilled Peas April, Late drillings Freshly chitted peas Young linseed May, Spring sown oilseed rape Peas New cover crops June, Oilseed rape Pea vines Chickweed & setaside July, Laid cereals Peas Beans Set aside August, Swathed rape Wheat + Barley Stubbles Pea Stubbles September, Unploughed cereal stubbles Harvested beans October, Autumn drillings Beech mast Acorns November, Oilseed rape Broadcast beans Sugarbeet tops Setaside stubbles December, Oilseed rape Potato fields



this was on the pigeon watch uk page hope it helps

Edited by samw
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Thanks Samw realy good link was going to ask when the best time to shoot them over beans would be youve just answered that one for me. :blink:

Has anyone ever shot pigeons over beans wondering if there going to be a good pigeon magnet as one of the farm's i shoot on has fourty acer's that were planted last setember.

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