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one sniff too many


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Got home from work this evening later than usual and as the missus was out decided to pop out for a couple of hours bunny bashing.


I went to a field that is usually quite busy and as I got out of the jeep the farmer pulled up in front of me and asked if i could nip over to some more fields that were being hit by rabbits. They were chewing on the spring barley that was just popping through the soil.


I thanked him for the info and drove over to the said fields.


Upon arriving there I could only see a handful of rabbits but grabbed my carp mat, flask and rifle and set up about 40yards along the hedgerow. After 1/2 hour only 3 shot so I moved on to another farm and there were about a dozen or so flitting in and out of the hedgerow by the brook. So I set up and waited again.


After about 15 minutes or so a 'babbie' popped out and I copped him. During the next hour I had another 10 rabbits all along the hedgerow. I left them where I had shot them and was going to give it 10 more minutes as it was just getting dark; and I could not be ***** to walk back to the truck for the lamp.


Then out from the hedgerow about 35-40 yards away out trots a BASIL and stretches right up in the air, sniffing all about him. Obviously got a whiff of the dead rabbits just before I dropped him. Stone dead, no twitch. Av it !!.




I picked up the rabbits and the fox and walked back to the jeep and ****** me spotted another fox about 150 yards away across to my right.


I dropped the dead stuff and got down on the deck and started to squeak him for about 20 mins but he wasn't having any of it and disappeared into the far off hedgerow.


Still, a nice 2 hours spent and a job done for the farmer.


I texted the farmer and his reply was get back soon and sort the others out. I told him where I had laid the fox out and he said he would sort it in the morning.


Bigger calibre next time. :blink:


Dave K

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