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Miss Fire


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Started a 50 bird clay shoot at the weekend, half way through I called a for a bird, mounted the gun, pulled the trigger and click!!! nothing happened. I pointed the gun up the range and waited. 5 secs later BANG! gun fire up the range. My poor sphincter was doing ten to the dozen as I could have ejected the shell as easy as anything.


Has anyone had any problems with Eley Olympic Trap 28 gram no 8?

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cant say i have,


range safety says that if you get a missfire you should leave the gun pointed downrange for 2mins and then open it in a manner which should the cartridge go off, would not hit anyone, in the case of a bolt action rifle this means opening the bolt with your fingers always at the front of the bolt (that way if it flys back it wont have your fingers off)


in reality i think most people normally do 20 or so secounds as more often than not its a missfeed or somesuch.


sounds like a pretty scarry reminder how relaxed we can get about these kind of things

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To make things clear , a "Missfire" is a round that WONT fire ,usualy caused by the pilot hole of the primer being blocked ,no matter how many times you try to fire it.


A "Hang fire" is what you suffered ,this where again the pilot hole is blocked but will allow the primer to ignite albeit very slowly , You acted in the correct manner pointing the gun down range in a safe direction,merit to you .


As to the 2 minute rule ,it varies range to range coutry to country ,in my experience a couple of seconds will tell, 30secs is a long time coming , 2 mins it aint happening folks .


My question to you Cantitit ,what did you do with the offending shell ,personaly i would have taken it back to the suplier ( with box and bar code ) and also pen a word to Eley , with the milions of rounds produced its only fair to expect the odd one or two dudds , methinks messers Eley and co will be intrerested ,if only to improove ,feedback of others is a responce we all need in this game to improove .


good luck and good thinking buddy



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Most unusual, never seen or heard of that happening before - in the old days, (70's & 80's), we perhaps used to get the odd dud shell, perhaps 1 in 5000, usually due to the primer being set too low in the case and the pin not striking hard enough, but I personally have not had a dud for the last 4 - 5 years.


Most Clay shooters would either hand the gun safely to the scorer to check or eject a dud within 4 - 5 seconds of it going click and then hand it to the scorer to confirm that the primer was struck - if it then went off in his hand it could be nasty.

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have not had any misfires but i have had loads of trouble with fibre wads recently in both eley vip and eley first, the problem is the wad leaving a shower of black confetti which can almost obscure the second target of a pair for a split second, it really is off putting and is bad enough to have made me stop using any eley cartridges.

anyone else had similar trouble?


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Plinker I also had the same problem with a box of 250 eley firsts , but out of using 2000-3000 over the last year it was the only box , this was around a couple of months ago , it did put me off them and I switched to saga clay carts but then I started to use them again and have had no more confetti shots . It may have been a bad batch or just an old box ?

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Answer to the last engineer, unfortunately I was thinking too much about what had gone wrong and didn't think at the time to save the cart (went in the bucket with the rest of them).


NOTE to all shooters out there, if you get a hang fire which is apparently very very rare,

be aware and wait for several seconds (20+secs) before ejecting, the last thing you want is a slow burning cartidge kicking about in your hand or bin!!!




This was a leason well learnt in gun safety for me and a good job I had my head screwed at the time.



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I've had quite a few missifres with eley rimfire rounds, no shotgun rounds and only one .223 NATO I've never had one go bang later, in fact, as we only wait 10sec I often wonder what would happen if it went off as it came out. I should imagine the case would depart pretty quick along with the bullet!

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