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Preparing rabbits for dogs

Ozzy Fudd

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im just wondering how everyone here prepares any shot rabbits for their dogs, at the mo ive got a steady supply of rabbits coming in (too many to eat) so was going to give some to jess (my rottie). a few people have told me they just gut and sken them and give the dog the whole carcass but im a bit worried about the bones getting stuck in her throat, what do you guys think?


cheers :yahoo:

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mate ive fed my lurchers and springers on rabbit and all i do is gut them then give the rabbit to them fur and all what ever you do do not boil the rabbits and give it to your dog with the bones in or the bones will splinter and stick in your dog if your gonna boil them then once its cooked peel the meat of the bone and feed it to your dog but as i say give it to him raw and it will be far better for your dog

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My spaniels/lurcher/terrier all eat boiled meat on the bone. What ever we get too much of- whether rabbit pigeon, phesent, deer, partidge, hare etc they just have it skinned, gutted and boiled- no probs.


My dogs are gantets but fine sometimes they will lick the meat off the bone and leave the smaller bones, if you cook it long enough.

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