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Fags (again sorry)


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Just over 2 months for me - and this time it has been easy (see below).


I had given up before for any period ranging between 1 month and 1 year but had always seen giving up as denying myself something I enjoyed. I then bought the Alan Carr DVD and worked through in my mind that smoking was not a pleasure but a good old fashioned addiction which in real terms I derived no benefit from. I would recommend the DVD 101% to anyone looking to quit.


I now realise that having given up, that really is it - I cannot have another cigarette again <end of>. Once I got to grips with that I have had no cravings - the physical cravings passed quickly along with the smell of stale fags leaving my car, clothes and hair. The mental cravings haven't been there this time - as above that is thanks to Alan Carr and a realisation that it's plain ******* daft to smoke (see below).


However, what really made me give up was down to Elvis. I had a medical work over - there's nothing wrong with (1) my heart (2) my BP (3) my cholesterol etc. What did trigger was the chest x-ray. I believe the words were "early degenerative changes".


Having now stopped, I have been down the gym either every day or at worst every other day for approaching 3 months. I am back to a reasonable level of fitness and am enjoying it again; 45 mins level 10 on the rowing machine, 30 mins interval training on the bike, 200 kg squats, 40 kg bent over row, 90 kg lat pull down, 80 kg bench press (incl bar).


It is now that I realise what a plum I have been for smoking for so many years coupled with a deep sense of regret that I have probably already significantly shortened my life.


After all the furoe regarding smoking being so daft and all that, what does one do once given up now after sex ?


Not exactly very casablanca reaching for the the chewing packet in the aftermath is it?

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I stopped 4 years ago. I smoked 40 a day, right down to the tip, I mean. I am a Yorkshire bloke and I was wasting NOTHING I had paid for. Now, I hate them. I hate the smell on other people, I even despise other people for their weakness, standing outsdie the pub in **** weather smoking. But if that's what helps me stay off them, then good enough

I don't yearn for them, nor do I want one. Stopped one day, I don't believe "cutting down" works. Our lass still smokes today, and that's after seeing her mother with emphysema. She rattles, coughs and gurgles like women smokers seem to do, but she is sticking to it like a trooper! I might just kick her out this week :good:

I have started doing more excercise, mountain bike and walking miles with the dog. Well done Mung on your SAS selection regime.

Edited by fullbore
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Four and a half years off them now. I had no serious cravings after a week. Still get a twinge now and again when I see one of the boys light up when we're shooting, but it passes in seconds.


Put lots of weight on though, ought to get down the gym but I can't be ***** :good:

I'm with you on the weight thing Chard, it's biscuits or sweets I pick up now instead of the dreaded weed. It's funny you mention missing the smokes when your out shooting as I quit before I started shooting, but when I'm sitting out in the field I often get it into my mind that I could really enjoy a smoke as I sit and watch the world go by.

The worst time for me when I quit was going to the pub as I really enjoyed a smoke with a pint.


Anyway, nearly 3 years off the weeds now and very happy I did quit even though I still can get cravings.

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I'm with you on the weight thing Chard, it's biscuits or sweets I pick up now instead of the dreaded weed. It's funny you mention missing the smokes when your out shooting as I quit before I started shooting, but when I'm sitting out in the field I often get it into my mind that I could really enjoy a smoke as I sit and watch the world go by.

The worst time for me when I quit was going to the pub as I really enjoyed a smoke with a pint.


Anyway, nearly 3 years off the weeds now and very happy I did quit even though I still can get cravings.


I think the weight gain is all down to the "hand to mouth" action. When I was in my late teens & early twenties I was about 12.5 - 13 stone (at 6'3" that makes me look like all lanky & skinny). When I gave up smoking I went up to 15 stone within a year. Weight topped 16.5 stone but got it down to 15.5 which I'm pretty happy with. This time last year I was about 14.5, as I was out running and doing a lot of general fitness, but it was too lean for me.


Definately noticed I was eating more when I gave up.

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