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Erm, I liked the Sako quad


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As compared to the Weihrauch HW60J or Anschutz 1517, it simply felt "better"

This after eliminating Ruger ( poor trigger) and Savage ( horrible mag arrangment on the Savage)

Well I needed to narrow it down

I liked the magazine and its fitment / removal on the Quad( which at first I had ruled out as gimmicky)

So I buy the Quad with the .17HMr and .22LR


Except I cannot help but wonder :good: as to the "return to zero" after changing the barrels back and forth.

Any comments?

And yes I know I could buy two CZ's for the same just sub £800 cost.


My local RFD was probably wrong :good: , Krico appear to make these rifles for Weihrauch

As deduced from the slightly different Weihrauch engraving on the Weihrauch rifle, ie different from the engraving of the Serial No / Caliber / other details, as engraved by the manufacturer.. Poiret ? would be proud :P

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From just playing with my mates (oooooeeeer missus) Quad, I would suggest that even with the Burris Quad 'scope and resetting for your seperate barrels it would be unwise to go shooting without 1st putting a group on paper and re-checking zero after the change......


.....and I'm not one of the "anti Quad tree hugging bunny loving left wing pinko conspiracy theorists

I actually like the Quad and am contemplating the purchase of one with .17HMR and .22WMR barrels.


I think they are a great bit of kit.... (not quite as nice as the Finnfire, but then you cant change barrels on that..)

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My quad holds its zero's after switching barrels, so with a scope with resettable turrents (MTC Viper), i just zeroed the .22lr barrel. Reset the turrets, then switched to .17hmr, zeroed that and marked the turrets so i can just dial between depending on where i am/what i'm shooting. :P If your scope doesn't have resettable turrets you'll just have to mark it up twice.



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Ok guys, thanks for that, sounds promising

Not absolutly sure about getting both, since I only enquired about the .17 option but in with a reasonable chance

( ******, GMK just confirmed, the Pro Hunter is special order in the UK.... with 9 months leadtime)

And *** can I not fit a .22LR Pro Hunter barrel ( complete with open sights) to a Varmint action for club compititions

and have a .17HMR Vermint barrel for bunny bashing, cos I like the Varmint woodwork

Dammn & blast ( again)

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Elvis, you are Evil,

My eyes have glazed over............................................. took 20 minutes staring at screen left mind

Anyway where was I

Oh yes rifles

not wobbly trifles

Anyway anyway

ITs N Ireland over here, still a wee bit backward about multiple examples of the same caliber

and yes i appreciate i could suggest a Hunter Pro in .22 and the Varmint in .17

cepting the sights are still a 9month special order at £120 extra.


The FAC officer was round inspecting my cabinet etc

& I have reasonable grounds to expect getting both barrels as requested.

A .223 ( Anschutz ) next for foxes :hmm: , seems a .308/7.62 is considered too much. ;)


Where do you source those wobbly trifles :yes:

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Strange that, Baldrick, as I recall from my earlier days of shooting enthusiam ,

that Anschutz were one of the best /most proactive for providing for lefties ( or was that Target rifle only :lol: )

I take it they are flat out satisfying us righties for now............. right on there too :yp:

so wait your turn :lol:



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It is all to do with the master race, left handers would not have been tolerated.

:lol::lol: :o


MC, you live on Mersea Island - you cannot lecture people on master races or the tolerance of sub-humans.


Strange that, Baldrick, as I recall from my earlier days of shooting enthusiam ,

that Anschutz were one of the best /most proactive for providing for lefties ( or was that Target rifle only :lol: )

I take it they are flat out satisfying us righties for now............. right on there too :yp:

so wait your turn :lol:


Anschutz makes plenty of rimfires for lefties, but to my disappointment, the centrefires are off-limits.

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