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Finally give up experimenting


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Like with shotgun cartridges I used to enjoy trying out all the latest ammo, but I have now finally decided on one pellet only after trying many in my guns. Although fun to try I have spent too much money on too many brands and am now happy with one only.


Not because I shoot Air Arms rifles, S200 and FAC S410, but because they suit the guns I choose AA fields. I know the skirts are easy to damage, and after 40yds in the FAC they do waver a bit in the group being 16g, but the extra clout of the gun ( averages 32ft/lbs ) gives you a bit of aiming error and still does the job.


While I'm at it, without starting up the famous calibre debate, I've had .177, .20 and .22. Everyone to their own but I'm a .22 man, shoot sensible ranges and know your your capabilities is the secret.

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It was funny, practising yesterday, I had 3 paving slabs ( like a horseshoe shape ) as a backstop, and the FAC was really slamming into it at 40 + yds, a big old gun but well balanced, probably about 8 1/2 lbs scoped up. Then when I picked up the 200 it felt like a little toy, but at 30 yds can put pellet upon pellet in a 20 mm circle and so quietly.


The first thing you notice when shooting a sub 12 and an FAC is the speed the pellet gets to the target.

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Once you get a good combination there is little point in faffing about.

Maybe for a laugh when plinking or using up old pellets you have lying around but I would rather either just hunt.

(With maybe a little practice every now and again to keep my eye in)

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i did the same, tried many types of pellets and settled on aa field and bisley magnums.the funny thing is my 12ftlbs txhc shoots tighter groups with the magnums upto 30yrds but beyond that it opens up and the aa field become tighter. It must be the weight difference of the pellets, also the magnums are extremely snug in the barrel/breech.

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I have used RWS super H point to good effect on rats on short distances up to 20 yds in the s200, good grouping, but tightish feeding into the barrel, and I was afraid that lead swarf might prove to be a problem, or does the pellet just contract to the diameter of the barrel ?


The same with defiants in 18g in the s410 FAC, not bad grouping but tightish going in and had to seat them down individually in the magazine with a little probe.


The AA fields just feed in like silk on both guns. At the moment I use 5.51 in the s410 FAC and 5.52 in the s200, but will eventually try 5.51 in both as I think grouping will be ok.


Once had a Theoben Fenman in a .20, had to bloody hammer the pellets in the breech, very very tight.

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I have used RWS super H point to good effect on rats on short distances up to 20 yds in the s200, good grouping, but tightish feeding into the barrel, and I was afraid that lead swarf might prove to be a problem, or does the pellet just contract to the diameter of the barrel ?


The same with defiants in 18g in the s410 FAC, not bad grouping but tightish going in and had to seat them down individually in the magazine with a little probe.


The AA fields just feed in like silk on both guns. At the moment I use 5.51 in the s410 FAC and 5.52 in the s200, but will eventually try 5.51 in both as I think grouping will be ok.


Once had a Theoben Fenman in a .20, had to bloody hammer the pellets in the breech, very very tight.

i don't know whether a tighter pellet fit leaves more lead in the barrel, or is more , or less accurate. the aa fields and bisley magnums work best in mine yet they couldnt be more different when loading a pellet. and i cant figure out why the lighter aa's shoot better at longer range than the heavier and supposedly more stable bisleys.

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