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Hull Comp X VS Eley Firsts

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Hi All,


I have both of the above carts but am noticing huge differences in the ease of cleaning afterwards.


I'm using Napier Gun Cleaner but it seems to be that the fouling from the Eleys even in 21g is far worse than the Hull at 28g, both are fibre wad.


Are the Eley's far dirtier than the Hull in everyones experience or am i using the wrong cleaner for them? I only got the gun last weekend so am new to cleaning too so there are no doubt many different products out there i need to try and settle on.


I only put 50 carts through the 525 today, 25 of each but 50 Hull 28g through the 525 on Wed and 50 Eley 21g through the Baikal and had to scrub the barrels for ages to get them clean whereas the 525 was simple. Tonight the 525 was hard work after an afternoon between the butts and unmoderated .308 and .223 on the ranges.





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I find that the eley first fibers tend break up the wad 10 - 15 ft after leaving the barrel. Am not impressed to say the least but only have 250 so will soldier through them and then return to eley blues or try and find someone who stocks white gamebore white gold so i can get back to them.

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You are right again Alan,


I have just cut open an Eley First Fibre and the wad looks like loads of sheets of compacted paper. It is certainly not a true fibre wad, although I have shot several First fibres and not seen it to be an issue.


My home load fibres come out like confetti but they sure as hell hit hard.

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I find that through a Beretta optima barrel any shell with quite soft lead is a pain to clean. The build up in the forcing cone is ridiculous.


But through a Miroku it's a lot less and I believe it's because of the 3"chamber the Beretta has.


My Blaser did not have the same problem because the forcing cone is a different shape.


Regarding the difference between Hull and Eley 21gms the Hull is a much better shell to shoot and the recoil level is lower.

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