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Hi Guys


Am waiting for a call from the Firearms Department, To arrange my appointment, have waited 6 weeks.


I called last week to check if there was any problems and they said i should expect a call by the end of the week. Still waiting, just wondering what your advice would be? To ring and ask or to leave it?!



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Absolutely chase them – is their job to sort out your application, the visit etc so don’t be afraid to push them, without being bolshie of course.


It is perfectly reasonable for you to ask them when the visit is likely to be and how much notice they will give toy for example



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SGC In lincolnshire with many many phone calls, nine months. i will give them that i was 12/13 at the time but nine months???Just turned fourteen on sunday now will see how long for an FAC.



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worst thing is, i sent my application and permissions 6 weeks ago.


I applied for a .22 rf which i dont see a problem with at all, and a .243. Have been a responsible shotgun holder for over ten years and have over 5000 acres of permission, what do you see my chances being? As in, yes for a .243 and an open ticket for the .22. It would really limit me as i get alot of invitations on the vermin side if they did.


cheers for all your advice by the way guys, i think the site is great for stuff like this

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It is unlikely that you will get an open ticket first time round, but certainly talk to your FLO when they visit, and point out that as well as your nominated piece of ground you have the prospect of shooting on other pieces of ground. They may well give you a ticket that allows you to shoot on your nominated ground and any other land already cleared for .22- that is what my first FAC said as I was in a similar position to you. Not quite the same as an open ticket, but close enough!



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I would recommend calling shortly after you send your paperwork in to check that the Firearms department have received it - I sent mine off special delivery, waited 6 weeks and then asked my FLO, to find the Royal Mail had lost the Special Delivery. Unbelievable. The FLO had me resubmit again and they put the paerwork through in a week - much appreciated as the Post office had messed up, not them!


This is Wiltshire Constabulary Firearms Department I am talking about, and they are superb - open and efficient, no question too dumb (and believe me I have asked a few), and I wish that everyone had the level of support we have here.


My FAC is for a couple of .22 rimmies and it's a closed ticket, with my permission having been checked out by my FLO. I have another permission now (170 acres of vermin control - whoo-hoo!) and the FLO has confirmed that the land is already cleared up to full bore so all I need is the owner's written permission. I expect that when I get to FAC renewal it might come back as an open ticket, but I'm OK for my needs as things are as the land I have is cleared for what I am using (.22LR CZ452 and 12g Hushpower Pump).



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i rang the week after it was submitted, all received along with my permissions. Just keen as mustard to get cracking thats all, rifle in waiting and itching to get out! One of the permissions is riddled with rabbits and the farmer keeps ringing to ask when i can get there!

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