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This Fox has to go!


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I've been watching a fox earth for a few weeks now waiting for the vixen to finish suckling the young (She has 5 cubs which we have seen all out together enjoying the sunshine). Unfortunately the farmer has 2 earths on his land, (Both with cubs) within a couple of hundred yards of his free range chickens so he has told me that they have to be culled. Well the vixen in this earth has finished weaning the cubs so time is running short for this young lady as I am now just waiting for my new .222.

I did have to "take out" a dog fox from the same area last week with the 12 bore at close range (about 20 yards) as someone else had left him wounded. (I would like to know who as I have sole permission in the area)

I took this photo while watching the earth from about 12 to 15 yards away. Shame, she's quite a good looking girl!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Well Dave, no offence but when I say I have permission then I do have it, in writing on a Firearms Land Authority Form (As issued by the Police with the Firearms Application Form).

Maybe I could get them with a terrier but as I do not have a dog nor do I intend getting one (I live in a flat so it would not be fair on the dog) thats a no go!

Anyway I like to pit my whits and skills against Mr and Mrs Fox, it keeps my sences honed and me on my toes!

Good thought though!

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Well Dave, no offence but when I say I have permission then I do have it, in writing on a Firearms Land Authority Form (As issued by the Police with the Firearms Application Form).

Maybe I could get them with a terrier but as I do not have a dog nor do I intend getting one (I live in a flat so it would not be fair on the dog) thats a no go!

Anyway I like to pit my whits and skills against Mr and Mrs Fox, it keeps my sences honed and me on my toes!

Good thought though!

i wasnt implying that you didnt have permission mate!!! i was just makin it clear to anyoun reading..thats all!!! good luck getting her!¬!!

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  • 1 month later...

Nice Pic mate, But they have to be controlled. I have had 2 broody hens and her young chicks taken over the past 2 month's :yes: . I have a cadge trap set now but the crafty old fox aint taking the bait. I dont want to resort to the snare but if needs must I will. Its not really in a suitable place to shoot it with the rim fire or shotgun. so I will keep building the fox's confidence with free bait.


Good luck with your cull.


Kipper :good:

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