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Barrel length


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dont get your self bogged down with barrel lenght . The next thing will be chokes and thats the most contentious and emotive subject on this forum .

Generally the shorter the barrel the faster handling the gun will be . But this might not be noticeable to a novices shot . The shorter barrels 26 inch are favoured for game shooting and skeet shooting . The longer barrels 30 inch 32 inch are more favourd for the dedicated clay shooter . Having said all that i favour a 28 inch tube for every thing that i shoot . Its a matter of preferance ,all so its another way the gun makers get us to buy another gun by spreading the word that the bees knees in barrels is going to be the 56 inch barrel as you will be closer to your target .

Best of luck Harnser .

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The infos for a mate, he was worried that getting shorter barrels would affect the spead at distance, he will only shoot clays i guess, but is quite short so feels the shorter barrels will suit him better, the the length wont affect the spread much then??

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The infos for a mate, he was worried that getting shorter barrels would affect the spead at distance, he will only shoot clays i guess, but is quite short so feels the shorter barrels will suit him better, the the length wont affect the spread much then??


I really don think 2inches is going to make that much differnce. but I may be wrong :hmm:

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The infos for a mate, he was worried that getting shorter barrels would affect the spead at distance, he will only shoot clays i guess, but is quite short so feels the shorter barrels will suit him better, the the length wont affect the spread much then??


Read in one of the shooting rags that maximum speed is gained at around 20-22" and anything after that is surplus to requirements ( for velocity anyway, handling and all the rest of it not taken into account)

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Read in one of the shooting rags that maximum speed is gained at around 20-22" and anything after that is surplus to requirements ( for velocity anyway, handling and all the rest of it not taken into account)


Spot on.


Ballistically it makes noe differance whatsoever after 20". The chokes will make a huge difference to pattern.


Length of barrel will affect the handling and balance of the gun a huge amount.


So if it feels good it probably is.

BTW always subtract 2" off a semi auto barrel if you want it to handle like an O/U or SxS.

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